bare, desolate, and often windswept: a bleak plain.
cold and piercing; raw: a bleak wind.
without hope or encouragement; depressing; dreary: a bleak future.
Origin of bleak
1300–50; Middle English bleke pale, blend of variants bleche (Old English blǣc) and blake (Old English blāc); both cognate with Old Norse bleikr,German bleich; akin to bleach
It was a bleak image of the future, with an urgent call to action — one that was more or less ignored by the federal government.
Is the Government Just Going to Watch the Restaurant Industry Die?|Elazar Sontag|August 28, 2020|Eater
The sports retailer, like many of its peers, was hit hard by the pandemic amid shutdowns and store closures, and even announced it would suspend its dividend when things were looking especially bleak in March.
Dick’s Sporting Goods just posted an epic quarter—but these 3 factors may limit the stock’s upside|Anne Sraders|August 26, 2020|Fortune
Being true bulls, I’m sure none of you dumped your shares in late March as things looked their bleakest.
Global stocks continue to climb after investors pushed the S&P 500 into a new bull market|Bernhard Warner|August 19, 2020|Fortune
Remarkably, this bleak picture is more optimistic than the economists’ predictions in previous surveys.
What Economists Fear Will Happen Without More Unemployment Aid|Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux|August 11, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
In The End of Everything, theoretical astrophysicist Katie Mack provides a tour of the admittedly bleak possibilities.
‘The End of Everything’ explores the ways the universe could perish|Emily Conover|August 4, 2020|Science News
Set among the vacant houses of suburban New Mexico, the film offers a bleak perspective on the possibility of growth and renewal.
After The Fall: Introducing The Anti-Villain|Rich Goldstein|December 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Hitchcock saw the work of, and probably met, Murnau, the great German filmmaker--the earliest master of bleak light and shadow.
Alfred Hitchcock’s Fade to Black: The Great Director’s Final Days|David Freeman|December 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And surprisingly, gender may also play a role in your bleak winter outlook.
9 Ways to Cope With Seasonal Affective Disorder|DailyBurn|December 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST
With no family, little community support, and no outlet for education, they face a bleak future.