

单词 antibacchius


[ an-ti-buh-kahy-uhs ]
/ ˌæn tɪ bəˈkaɪ əs /

noun, plural an·ti·bac·chi·i [an-ti-buh-kahy-ahy, -kahy-ee]. /ˌæn tɪ bəˈkaɪ aɪ, -ˈkaɪ i/. Prosody.

a foot of three syllables that in quantitative meter consists of two long syllables followed by a short one, and that in accentual meter consists of two stressed syllables followed by an unstressed one.
Compare bacchius.

Origin of antibacchius

1580–90; <Late Latin <Greek antibákcheios.See anti-, bacchius

OTHER WORDS FROM antibacchius

an·ti·bac·chic [an-ti-bak-ik], /ˌæn tɪˈbæk ɪk/, adjective

Words nearby antibacchius

antiarrhythmic, antiart, antiarthritic, antiatom, antiauxin, antibacchius, antibacterial, antiballistic, antiballistic missile, Antiballistic Missile Treaty, antibaryon
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020




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