Hot Baby Names for 2014|Linda Rosenkrantz & Pamela Redmond Satran|December 6, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Mr. Chaplin has a serviceable vocal organ, with which he combines an effective manner.
The Strand Magazine|Various
Unlike the Mona Lisa, Chaplin is able to shake his head every now and then and break free from his burden.
Seeing Things at Night|Heywood Broun
Chaplin, whose graceful work in painting is well known here as on the Continent.
History of the Fan|George Woolliscroft Rhead
The upper servants came, and Chaplin and Hariburt from the house-stables, and Chifney and the head-lad—and some of the gardeners.
The History of Sir Richard Calmady|Lucas Malet
Lieut. Chaplin acted with great bravery, and succeeded in getting all his men away, with their muskets.
The Naval History of the United States|Willis J. Abbot.
British Dictionary definitions for Chaplin
/ (ˈtʃæplɪn) /
Sir Charles Spencer, known as Charlie Chaplin. 1889–1977, English comedian, film actor, and director. He is renowned for his portrayal of a downtrodden little man with baggy trousers, bowler hat, and cane. His films, most of which were made in Hollywood, include The Gold Rush (1924), Modern Times (1936), and The Great Dictator (1940)