[ brand ] SHOW IPA
noun the kind, grade, or make of a product or service, as indicated by a stamp, trademark, or the like: the best brand of coffee.
a mark made by burning or otherwise, to indicate kind, grade, make, ownership, etc.
a mark formerly put upon criminals with a hot iron.
any mark of disgrace; stigma.
branding iron.
a kind or variety of something distinguished by some distinctive characteristic: The movie was filled with slapstick—a brand of humor he did not find funny.
a set of distinctive characteristics that establish a recognizable image or identity for a person or thing: Building your personal brand will positively impact your career.
a burning or partly burned piece of wood.
Archaic . a sword.
SEE MORE SEE LESS verb (used with object) to label or mark with or as if with a brand.
to mark with disgrace or infamy; stigmatize.
to impress indelibly: The plane crash was branded on her mind.
to give a brand name to: branded merchandise.
to promote as a brand or brand name.
SEE MORE SEE LESS Idioms for brandon brand , in keeping with the distinctive characteristics that establish a recognizable identity for a person, product, or thing: The hotel’s interactive website is so on brand. He says he wants to be more compassionate, but that’s not really on brand for him.
Origin of brand First recorded before 950; Middle English, Old English: “burning, a burning piece of wood, torch, sword”; cognate with Dutch brand, German Brand, Old Norse brandr; akin to burn1
SYNONYMS FOR brand 4 stain, spot, blot, taint.
OTHER WORDS FROM brand brander, noun brandless, adjective non·brand, adjective re·brand, verb (used with object) Words nearby brand branch point, Branchus, branch water, branch wilt, Brancusi, brand , brandade, brand awareness, brand contamination, branded, Brandeis
Definition for brand (2 of 2) [ brand ] SHOW IPA
noun Oscar, 1920–2016, U.S. folk singer, born in Canada.
a male given name.
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for brand Brand -level campaigns, such as Sponsored Brand ads on Amazon, are a good way to own those terms and maintain Share of Voice.
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The post As the Facebook boycott ends, brand advertisers are split on what happens next with their marketing budgets appeared first on Digiday.
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Now brand s have to figure out what the future of sampling looks like, and publishers can help.
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Quincey said Coca-Cola is now refocusing its marketing investments around its biggest brand s and being more disciplined in its experimentation.
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“A guy drives up in a 2008 Mercedes, brand new,” Harry S. Connelly Jr. says in the video, according to the Times.
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Even the legendary 1980s televisions show Dallas is back on the air, selling its twenty-first century brand of Texas bravado.
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The brand logo turned out to feature a graceful archer on horseback, in a Tatar national costume, poised to shoot his arrow.
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But both of us being artists, and with no brand behind it, we were like, “Well, how do we do this on a budget?”
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The police inspected the backpack and found two brand new hammers.
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So wrought she by day, but at night she was wont to hide him in the force of fire like a brand , his dear parents knowing it not.
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She cut him an immense triangle out of the cake, and again she thought of Mr. Brand .
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Some still are learning to hate all other persons whose religion differs from272 the brand carried in that institution.
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Many members of the colony left as soon after the war began as they could, but some, headed by Minister Brand Whitlock, remained.
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"There is the old nursery," said Mrs. Brand , in breathless eagerness.
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British Dictionary definitions for brand (1 of 2) noun a particular product or a characteristic that serves to identify a particular product
a trade name or trademark
a particular kind or variety he had his own brand of humour
an identifying mark made, usually by burning, on the skin of animals or (formerly) slaves or criminals, esp as a proof of ownership
an iron heated and used for branding animals, etc
a mark of disgrace or infamy; stigma he bore the brand of a coward
a burning or burnt piece of wood, as in a fire
archaic , or poetic a flaming torch a sword a fungal disease of garden plants characterized by brown spots on the leaves, caused by the rust fungus Puccinia arenariae
SEE MORE SEE LESS verb (tr) to label, burn, or mark with or as with a brand
to place indelibly in the memory the scene of slaughter was branded in their minds
to denounce; stigmatize they branded him a traitor
to give a product a distinctive identity by means of characteristic design, packaging, etc
Derived forms of brand branding , noun brander , noun Word Origin for brand Old English brand- , related to Old Norse brandr , Old High German brant ; see burn 1
British Dictionary definitions for brand (2 of 2) noun Russell , born 1975, English comedian and television presenter
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to brand character, quality, variety, logo, symbol, trademark, stigmatize, taint, sort, description, grade, make, class, cast, species, hallmark, emblem, stamp, sign, imprint