She has kept the left’s beloved Green New Deal at arm’s length too, as moderates fret about blowback.
Trump moves closer to Pelosi in economic aid talks, and House speaker must decide next move|Rachael Bade, Erica Werner|September 17, 2020|Washington Post
The only privation we have these days is when one of our beloved brands goes mainstream and becomes easier to find in Ralph’s than at our mercaditos — I’m talking to you, Topo Chico.
The Ultimate Guide to Mexican Snacks|Bill Esparza|September 17, 2020|Eater
Our chosen name StarTech recalls a beloved sci-fi TV series, and it’s remarkable that the top cast in both StarTech and Star Trek remained pretty much the same over the years, though for StarTech, the supporting players changed substantially.
Will tech stocks stumble or slide? What the fundamentals tell us|Shawn Tully|September 16, 2020|Fortune
Wilder’s beloved film noir, which he co-wrote with Charles Brackett, is one of those classics that stands the test of time.
‘Sunset Boulevard’ of broken dreams|David Ehrenstein|August 20, 2020|Washington Blade
Crystal Palace at the first world’s fair in 1851They’re iconic now, but the two beloved sculptures might easily never have been.
The Story Behind the Eiffel Tower’s Forgotten Competitors|Fiona Zublin|August 10, 2020|Ozy
You will have your beloved father back sooner than you think, and you can visit and communicate with him all the while.
Abramoff’s Advice for Virginia’s New Jailhouse Guv|Tim Mak, Jackie Kucinich|January 7, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Author J.K. Rowling says all religions are present at her beloved wizard school—except Wiccans.
Harry Potter and the Torah of Terror|Candida Moss, Joel Baden|January 4, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Castro actually flew up to Montreal to be a pallbearer at the 2000 funeral of a beloved Canadian Prime Minister, Pierre Trudeau.
Canada ♥ Cuba Just Got Complicated|Shinan Govani|December 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
From cognac to bourbon, rye to añejo tequila, many of our beloved spirits spend years aging in wooden casks.
How Much Do Whisky Casks Really Affect Taste?||December 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Adding to the feeling of powerlessness for the woman is that Cosby is a beloved celebrity.
Here’s What She’d Tell Bill Cosby Today|Dean Obeidallah|December 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
God bless you, my Henrietta, my beloved, my matchless Henrietta!
Henrietta Temple|Benjamin Disraeli
The resident priest treated us with the greatest hospitality, and was respected and beloved by all who knew him.
The Expeditions of Zebulon Montgomery Pike, Volume II (of 3)|Elliott Coues
In her beautiful, old-fashioned home at Newburyport, Mass., she has two beloved cats.
Concerning Cats|Helen M. Winslow
The death of this beloved wife afforded an illustration of this.
George Muller of Bristol|Arthur T. Pierson
Josephine was beloved by the people, and the people must know that she was honored by her husband.
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great, Vol. 2 of 14|Elbert Hubbard
British Dictionary definitions for beloved
/ (bɪˈlʌvɪd, -ˈlʌvd) /
dearly loved
a person who is dearly loved, such as a wife or husband