

单词 aborigine


[ ab-uh-rij-uh-nee ]
/ ˌæb əˈrɪdʒ ə ni /


Sometimes Aborigine . one of the original or earliest known inhabitants of a region, or one of their descendants: the aborigines of Canada and Greenland.
Aborigine, Often Offensive. a member of any of the peoples who are the earliest known inhabitants of Australia, or one of their descendants.Also Aboriginal .Also called Australian Aborigine .
aborigines, the original, native fauna or flora of a region.

Origin of aborigine

First recorded in 1540–50; by back formation from aborigines, from Latin Aborīginēs “the pre-Roman inhabitants of Italy,” probably alteration of an earlier ethnonym by association with ab origine

usage note for aborigine

Aborigine, the noun specifically meaning “a native or Indigenous inhabitant of Australia,” is an outdated and often offensive term: Don't say the Aborigines of Melbourne and Sydney. Instead, use the related adjective Aboriginal, which is preferred and acceptable, and say, the Aboriginal Australians of Melbourne and Sydney. Similarly, the noun use of Aboriginal with specific reference to Australia is also often offensive, as in Australian Aboriginals. Again, you can use the adjectival form: Aboriginal Australians.
When not referring to Australia, the noun aborigine, as well as the adjective and noun aboriginal, are all acceptable to use: the aborigines of Peru and Ecuador; the aboriginal people of Bali; the aboriginals of Siberia.

Words nearby aborigine

aborad, aboral, aboriginal, Aboriginalia, Aboriginality, aborigine, aborigines, aborning, abort, aborted systole, aborticide

Definition for aborigine (2 of 2)

ab origine
[ ahb oh-rig-i-ne; English ab aw-rij-uh-nee, -oh-rij- ]
/ ɑb oʊˈrɪg ɪˌnɛ; English æb ɔˈrɪdʒ əˌni, -oʊˈrɪdʒ- /


Latin. from the very beginning; from the source or origin.
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

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British Dictionary definitions for aborigine (1 of 2)

/ (ˌæbəˈrɪdʒɪnɪ) /


an original inhabitant of a country or region who has been there from the earliest known times

Word Origin for aborigine

C16: back formation from aborigines, from Latin: inhabitants of Latium in pre-Roman times, probably representing some tribal name but associated in folk etymology with ab origine from the beginning

British Dictionary definitions for aborigine (2 of 2)

/ (ˌæbəˈrɪdʒɪnɪ) /


Also called: Aboriginal a member of the indigenous people who were living in Australia when European settlers arrived
any of the languages of this peopleSee also Australian (def. 3)
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012




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