a person who announces, especially one who introduces programs, presents news items, reads advertisements, and does other similar assignments over radio or television.
Origin of announcer
1605–15; 1920–25 in radio use; announce + -er1
Words nearby announcer
annotated, annotation, annotinous, announce, announcement, announcer, anno urbis conditae, annoy, annoyance, annoyed, annoying
Named after Ben Bentley, the team’s first public relations man and public address announcer, Benny has grown into perhaps the most well-known sports mascot of all time — and certainly the most-followed.
For Aspiring Performers, The NBA Is The Best Place To Be A Mascot|Josh Planos|July 17, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
“Seth kept the team together, but his constant need to relieve himself kept the team down,” says the announcer.
James Franco and Seth Rogen Get ‘Naked and Afraid’… And It’s Hilarious|Marlow Stern|December 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
After the war, he made his mark working as an announcer for comedy and variety TV shows.
'SNL' Voice Don Pardo Announced JFK's Death|Asawin Suebsaeng|August 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The announcer then asked what bills Symms had passed in his eight years of Congress; 15 seconds of silence followed.
Conservative Idaho Congressman Calls For Bipartisanship|Ben Jacobs|July 25, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Announcer Jim Nantz initially called it 109 yards, but the number was later revised.
15 Best Moments of the 2013 Super Bowl (VIDEO)|Ben Teitelbaum|February 4, 2013|DAILY BEAST
“The announcer kept repeating, ‘Oahu is being attacked by the Japanese,’” Patsy recalls.
Pearl Harbor’s Anniversary Sparks Memories of a Long-Ago Dance Contest|Michael Daly|December 7, 2012|DAILY BEAST
An announcer was explaining what had happened, his voice trained in rigid control, shocked with horror and fright.
The Seventh Order|Gerald Allan Sohl
As the announcer spoke, the camera moved about to pick out details of the estate.
The Best Made Plans|Everett B. Cole
Mike the Angel was sitting behind his desk in his private office when the announcer chimed.
Unwise Child|Gordon Randall Garrett
And after the announcer stopped he had cried out hysterically like a child in a nightmare.
The Brain|Alexander Blade
Perhaps he was officially an announcer; the word means also bearer of good news.
The Bbur-nma in English|Babur, Emperor of Hindustan
British Dictionary definitions for announcer
/ (əˈnaʊnsə) /
a person who announces, esp one who reads the news, introduces programmes, etc, on radio or television