verb (used with object),an·ni·hi·lat·ed,an·ni·hi·lat·ing.
to reduce to utter ruin or nonexistence; destroy utterly: The heavy bombing almost annihilated the city.
to destroy the collective existence or main body of; wipe out: to annihilate an army.
to annul; make void: to annihilate a law.
to cancel the effect of; nullify.
to defeat completely; vanquish: Our basketball team annihilated the visiting team.
Origin of annihilate
1350–1400; Middle English adnichilat(e) destroyed <Late Latin annihilātus brought to nothing, annihilated (past participle of annihilāre) (Latin an-an-2 + nihil nothing + -ātus-ate1)
With LeBron as Butler’s primary defender, the Heat set screen after screen and forced switch after switch until their best player was face-to-face with a defender he could annihilate.
The Heat Took A Page From The Lakers’ Playbook|Michael Pina|October 6, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
All it takes to annihilate that agenda’s barest hope of passage is to do nothing.
The definitive case for ending the filibuster|Ezra Klein|October 1, 2020|Vox
Now, after years of reliably churning out huge profits, it’s been annihilated in the span of a few months by the coronavirus pandemic.
One of Disney’s main profit centers is melting down|Adam Epstein|September 30, 2020|Quartz
The J in its name actually stands for Jian—annihilate, eliminate.
Beijing's New Stealth Jet: Made in China|Brendon Hong|November 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“Thirty minutes alone with a man is enough for him to annihilate you,” she remarks, knowingly.
Meet The Former Call Girl Saving Hookers For Jesus|Elizabeth Stoker Bruenig|July 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Finally there was the atomic bomb (and the Cold War it created): machine threatened to annihilate all of mankind.
How ‘Her’ Gets the Future Right|Andrew Romano|December 21, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The consequences of the repeated failed attempts to annihilate Israel should and will be reflected in the final status.
Excitement Over Land Swaps Is Misplaced|Dani Dayan|May 7, 2013|DAILY BEAST
And there is no doubt that a people must defend itself against those who wish to harm it, destroy it, or annihilate it.