a parliamentary democracy in northern Central America: a former British crown colony; gained independence 1981. 8,867 sq. mi. (22,966 sq. km). Capital: Belmopan.Formerly British Honduras .
a seaport in and the main city of Belize.Also called Belize City.
a river flowing northeast through Belize to the Gulf of Honduras. 180 miles (290 km) long.
Be·li·ze·an[buh-lee-zee-uhn], /bəˈli zi ən/, adjective,noun
Under the current president and his predecessor, Jett notes, the ambassadorship of Belize has gone to college roommates.
U.S. Embassies Have Always Been for Sale|William O’Connor|January 2, 2015|DAILY BEAST
They even tried to fly the patient out of Belize, but she is still here on the ship.
Inside the Cruise Ship Quarantined Over Ebola Fear|Carol McKinley|October 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Mexico, Panama, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Belize are all seeing an increase in Central Americans seeking asylum as well.
The So-Called Immigration Border Crisis Is Neither|Sally Kohn|July 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The British Virgin Islands, the Bahamas, the Cayman Islands, Cook Islands, Belize, and Switzerland.
This Is Where the World’s Richest People Hide Their Money|Eliza Shapiro|April 4, 2013|DAILY BEAST
He also said in the article that there is no better place for him to live than Belize.
McAfee Founder Goes Into Hiding, Denies Killing Neighbor in Belize|Christine Pelisek|November 14, 2012|DAILY BEAST
British Honduras is a British territory acquired mainly for the mahogany product, which is shipped from Belize.
Commercial Geography|Jacques W. Redway
That brig, full of choice mahogany logs, was taken near Belize.
Commodore Junk|George Manville Fenn
One of the best mathematicians of the class of '91 is selling lottery tickets in Belize.
Cabbages and Kings|O. Henry
Far better water than that which had been brought from Belize.
Kate Bonnet|Frank R. Stockton
An Englishman, if he be at Guatemala or Belize, must work for his bread, and that work will find him in thought and excitement.
Returning Home|Anthony Trollope
British Dictionary definitions for Belize
/ (bəˈliːz) /
a state in Central America, on the Caribbean Sea: site of a Mayan civilization until the 9th century ad; colonized by the British from 1638; granted internal self-government in 1964; became an independent state within the Commonwealth in 1981. Official language: English; Carib and Spanish are also spoken. Currency: Belize dollar. Capital: Belmopan. Pop: 334 297 (2013 est). Area: 22 965 sq km (8867 sq miles)Former name (until 1973): British Honduras