animated quality; liveliness; vivacity; spirit: to talk with animation.
an act or instance of animating or enlivening.
the state or condition of being animated.
Graphic Arts
a dynamic visual medium produced from static drawings, models, or objects posed in a series of incremental movements that are then rapidly sequenced to give the illusion of lifelike motion.
the process of preparing such animation, as for films, cartoons, video games, etc.
a product of such animation, as a film or cartoon.
Origin of animation
1590–1600; 1910–15 for def. 4; (<Middle French ) <Latin animātiōn- (stem of animātiō a bestowing of life). See animate, -ion
These chips were initially designed to handle the high data volumes that need to be crunched for animation—making them the standard chip for use in computer gaming and computer-aided design.
Nvidia’s purchase of Arm creates an A.I. computing juggernaut|Jeremy Kahn|September 14, 2020|Fortune
For some, it kept the economy in a state of suspended animation, allowing families without income and businesses without profits to continue to pay rent and stay afloat.
The Big Corporate Rescue and the America That’s Too Small to Save|by Lydia DePillis, Justin Elliott and Paul Kiel|September 12, 2020|ProPublica
Create your new blogs in the video format with a voiceover and some animation.
How businesses can use YouTube to tackle the COVID-19 business crisis|Catherrine Garcia|September 7, 2020|Search Engine Watch
To bypass that protection, the researchers used code that was tailored to a built-in animation component called spinner-grow.
A single text is all it took to unleash code-execution worm in Cisco Jabber|Dan Goodin|September 4, 2020|Ars Technica
Networks and streamers alike may get more creative with their programming, relying more on animation and user-generated content—like web series on YouTube.
After years of ‘too much TV,’ the pandemic means there’s now barely enough|Aric Jenkins|August 27, 2020|Fortune
Shooting entirely on film, Davis personally oversaw the animation of the specters at his production studios in Indiana.
Garfield Television: The Cat Who Saved Primetime Cartoons|Rich Goldstein|November 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST
So it was fun to see how they strung those together and had the hybrid between live-action and animation.
How Carrie Preston Became The Good Wife’s Favorite Scene Stealer|Kevin Fallon|October 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The animation is beautifully rendered and the storytelling top notch even if the pacing is, at times, erratic.
This Author Kills More Darlings Than George R.R. Martin|David Levesley|September 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He claimed that his work as Genie was a favor to company, which he considered the “Rolls-Royce of animation.”
The Genie Is Free: Robin Williams's Complicated Relationship With Disney|Kevin Fallon|August 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Future Care Bears producer Clive A. Smith was on board as animation director.
The Cult of Boba Fett: The ‘Star Wars’ Bounty Hunter’s Spin-Off|Rich Goldstein|June 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST
"I have picked some field tansies," she went on, with some animation.
The Rendezvous|Ivan Turgenev
He was in the midst of a story, all life and animation, when the gruff words of the sentinel broke in so abruptly upon him.
The Frontier Angel|Edward S. Ellis
Mrs. Gaunt was walking elastically, and discoursing with great fire and animation.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 103, May, 1866|Various
Mothers liked his animation and ready gallantry; fathers found him equally responsive on more serious matters of conversation.
Stephen A. Douglas|Allen Johnson
Sounds issued through his lips, but, despite all their animation, these proved to be but empty sounds to the eager brothers.
The Lost City|Joseph E. Badger, Jr.
British Dictionary definitions for animation
/ (ˌænɪˈmeɪʃən) /
liveliness; vivacity
the condition of being alive
the techniques used in the production of animated cartoons