

单词 angolan

Example sentences from the Web for Angolan

  • It has led to a fiscal deficit and has eroded the purchasing power of the Angolan kwanza, he says.

    Is It Portugal’s Turn to Gain ‘Freedom’ From Angola?|Eromo Egbejule|September 28, 2020|Ozy
  • When oil prices plummeted in 2014, causing the Angolan economy to contract for a few years, the heat was felt 3,600 miles away in Portuguese households whose breadwinners were affected by the economic fluctuations.

    Is It Portugal’s Turn to Gain ‘Freedom’ From Angola?|Eromo Egbejule|September 28, 2020|Ozy
  • Some 15,000 Cuban troops fought in the Angolan civil war of the 1980s.

    Raúl Castro Honors Mandela, but Ignores His Message|Alex Massie|December 10, 2013|DAILY BEAST


/ (æŋˈɡəʊlən) /


of or relating to Angola or its inhabitants


a native or inhabitant of Angola

Words nearby Angolan

Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Saxonism, Anglosphere, Anglo-Venetian glass, Angola, Angolan, Angolese, angon, angophora, angor, Angora
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