You can track it by proxy by looking at organic website traffic growth from target pages.
Content marketing fails: How to analyze and improve|Michael Doer|August 27, 2020|Search Engine Watch
Many places — including New York City, the country’s largest school district — are using the rate of tests that come back with a positive result as a proxy for the spread of the virus in the community.
When Can Schools Safely Reopen? The Answer Is Part Science, Part Guesswork.|Kaleigh Rogers (|August 19, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
It can also be seen as a proxy for how things are faring for the rest of Hong Kong’s financial sector.
The US-China standoff is turning Hong Kong into a more valuable—and more Chinese—financial hub|John Detrixhe|August 16, 2020|Quartz
Experts generally agree that seizures only represent a fraction of what actually crosses the border, but they can also be a proxy for what is crossing, and tell us a bit about drug prices.
Border Report: The Pandemic Has Upended the Illegal Drug Trade|Maya Srikrishnan|June 22, 2020|Voice of San Diego
It’s a reverse proxy service that pre-renders and caches your pages.
JavaScript rendering and the problems for SEO in 2020|Anthony Lavall|May 6, 2020|Search Engine Watch
Hoge joined in, waging a proxy battle against a liberal blogger who accused Walker et al. of being scammers.
The Weirdest Story About a Conservative Obsession, a Convicted Bomber, and Taylor Swift You Have Ever Read|David Weigel|August 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
People who intentionally hurt children for attention can be accused of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy.