the leading character, hero, or heroine of a drama or other literary work.
a proponent for or advocate of a political cause, social program, etc.
the leader or principal person in a movement, cause, etc.
the first actor in ancient Greek drama, who played not only the main role, but also other roles when the main character was offstage.Compare deuteragonist, tritagonist.
Physiology. agonist.
Origin of protagonist
First recorded in 1665–75; from Greek prōtagōnistḗs “actor who plays the first part,” literally, “first combatant,” equivalent to prôt(os) “first” + agōnistḗs “one who contends for a prize, combatant, actor”; see origin at proto-, antagonist
The trailer shows the protagonist digging what appears to be a grave, knifing a bad guy and conducting an interrogation with a hatchet.
How Criminal Cops Often Avoid Jail|by Andrew Ford, Asbury Park Press|September 23, 2020|ProPublica
In the most popular films of 2019, protagonists were more diverse than ever, and there were more women were behind the camera.
Despite some gains in the past year, Hollywood still has inclusion problems, study says|radmarya|September 10, 2020|Fortune
In the 2013 movie Her, the protagonist develops a romantic relationship with a virtual assistant, and is soon disillusioned when he realizes that he was projecting human feelings and motivations onto “her” alien mind.
Welcome to the Next Level of Bullshit - Issue 89: The Dark Side|Raphaël Millière|September 9, 2020|Nautilus
Wild boars, traffic-snarling flocks of sheep that cross the road from one field to another, mice and snakes are the regular protagonists in any chit-chat about life in Sant’Ippolito.
Buffett’s big bet on Japan sends global stocks higher|Bernhard Warner|August 31, 2020|Fortune
The Jedi, the main protagonists in Star Wars, rely on the light, of course.
Are You Yoda or Darth Vader? - Issue 89: The Dark Side|Brian Gallagher|August 26, 2020|Nautilus
As the protagonist gets herself off in front of her impotent husband, she moans “Oh, Gronky.”
‘A Gronking to Remember’ Speed Read: 8 Naughtiest Bits|Emily Shire|January 7, 2015|DAILY BEAST
As a result, the exhibit falls short of showing Mary as real woman, as a protagonist in her own life story.
The Virgin Mary Lookbook|William O’Connor|December 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Dave Eggers wrote What Is The What after conducting hundreds of hours of interviews with his protagonist.
The Birth of the Novel|Nick Romeo|November 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The protagonist is the creator of Wonder Woman, William Moulton Marston, born in 1893.
Wonder Woman’s Creation Story Is Wilder Than You Could Ever Imagine|Tom Arnold-Forster|November 3, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The series began with protagonist, Neil Truman, an investment banker, discovering his wife having sex with a male escort.
Is ‘Satisfaction’ a Love Story That’s Too Real About Sex and Marriage?|David Masciotra|September 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But it must be borne in mind that the woman here is the wife of the protagonist.
Woman Triumphant|Vicente Blasco Ibaez
I became Man in her imagination, the protagonist of the world.
The Passionate Friends|Herbert George Wells
The protagonist was Lison Frandin, an artist known and loved by all Italy.
My Recollections|Jules Massenet
He was the opposite in all respects of his protagonist, Mr. Gladstone.
The Nuttall Encyclopaedia|Edited by Rev. James Wood
Of Bothwell, the third protagonist in the tragedy of Three, we have no portrait, and but discrepant descriptions.
The Mystery of Mary Stuart|Andrew Lang
British Dictionary definitions for protagonist
/ (prəʊˈtæɡənɪst) /
the principal character in a play, story, etc
a supporter, esp when important or respected, of a cause, political party, etc
Derived forms of protagonist
protagonism, noun
Word Origin for protagonist
C17: from Greek prōtagōnistēs, from prōtos first + agōnistēs actor
“Hero” vs. “Protagonist”: What Is The Difference?See if you really know the differences between heroes and protagonists. Which one saves the day and which one stands up for a cause? And which can you eat?
How To Finally Start Writing That BookThe journey toward writing a book begins with a single word. It can also begin with ideas, outlines, and supportive communities.