the ordinary form of spoken or written language, without metrical structure, as distinguished from poetry or verse.
matter-of-fact, commonplace, or dull expression, quality, discourse, etc.
Liturgy. a hymn sung after the gradual, originating from a practice of setting words to the jubilatio of the alleluia.
of, in, or pertaining to prose.
commonplace; dull; prosaic.
verb (used with object),prosed,pros·ing.
to turn into or express in prose.
verb (used without object),prosed,pros·ing.
to write or talk in a dull, matter-of-fact manner.
Origin of prose
1300–50; Middle English <Middle French <Latin prōsa (ōrātiō) literally, straightforward (speech), feminine of prōsus, for prōrsus, contraction of prōversus, past participle of prōvertere to turn forward, equivalent to prō-pro-1 + vertere to turn
Self-driving cars and software that can beat the world’s best players at games like Go and Starcraft, write uncannily humanlike prose, and detect breast cancer in mammograms better than an experienced radiologist—that’s all neural networks.
Disco, bell bottoms, big hair…and cutting-edge A.I.?|Jeremy Kahn|September 8, 2020|Fortune
Prose has created an entire world populated with characters that jump off the page.
French Lesbian Auto-Racer Turns Nazi Spy: Francine Prose’s Lovers at the Chameleon Club, Paris 1932|Jessica Ferri|April 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Washington, DC, just a few blocks from Politics and Prose bookstore.
Joshua Foer: How I Write|Noah Charney|January 16, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Prose accordingly prepared to descend, and was recommended by the interpreter to slide down by the hind leg of the animal.
The King's Own|Captain Frederick Marryat
Each number will consist of such originals in Prose and Verse as we hope will prove agreeable to our readers.
Rowlandson's Oxford|A. Hamilton Gibbs
Prose pleased only people whose intelligence was very subtle.
The Red Lily, Complete|Anatole France
Prose is poetry—we have proved that to the satisfaction of all mankind.
Recreations of Christopher North, Volume I (of 2)|John Wilson
Prose stories are usually told in the domestic circle, and in gatherings of women at Selo or Prelo.
Serbian Folk-lore|Anonymous
British Dictionary definitions for prose
/ (prəʊz) /
spoken or written language as in ordinary usage, distinguished from poetry by its lack of a marked metrical structure
a passage set for translation into a foreign language
commonplace or dull discourse, expression, etc
RC Churcha hymn recited or sung after the gradual at Mass
(modifier)written in prose
to write or say (something) in prose
(intr)to speak or write in a tedious style
Derived forms of prose
proselike, adjective
Word Origin for prose
C14: via Old French from Latin phrase prōsa ōrātiō straightforward speech, from prorsus prosaic, from prōvertere to turn forwards, from pro-1 + vertere to turn