The 2012 agreement between the Obama and Romney campaigns included rules against using props or visual aids and barred follow-up questions from the audience during the town hall.
The first presidential debate was chaotic. Here’s why improving the next one will be tough.|Kim Bellware|October 1, 2020|Washington Post
The propeller sits in back for the same reason—a prop in the front would be unfriendly to smooth flow.
This weird-looking plane could someday be a fast, clean option for air travel|Rob Verger|September 28, 2020|Popular Science
Since the prop tucks partway up into this cavity, the motor draws less than you’d think.
This motorized kayak can drive itself|By Nate Matthews/Outdoor Life|August 28, 2020|Popular Science
Claiborne had provided the prop, hoping to portray Biggie as the king of New York.
The Notorious B.I.G.’s crown and Tupac’s love letters are going to auction at Sotheby’s|radmarya|August 25, 2020|Fortune
But this year, New Yorkers have a shot at making real changes through a ballot initiative sonorously known as Prop 1.
Hate Hyper-Partisanship? Support Redistricting Reform Now|John Avlon|November 3, 2014|DAILY BEAST
This is good—no one needs rape on TV used as a prop, or as background noise, or for shock value.
The Walking Dead’s ‘Slabtown’: The Real Source of Terror Isn’t Walkers, It’s Rape|Melissa Leon|November 3, 2014|DAILY BEAST
They see themselves being set up as a sacrifice for a U.S. policy meant to prop up Iraq.
Why Does the Free Syrian Army Hate Us?|Jamie Dettmer|October 3, 2014|DAILY BEAST
When the former eBay executive ran for Governor of California in 2010, Meg Whitman was explicit in her support for Prop 8.
Prop 8’s Conservative Fans: Where Are They Now?|Sally Kohn|June 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And the business of science, medicine, and faith itself is to restore or at least to prop up hope, that most complex vapor.
The Fake Superbug Cure|Kent Sepkowitz|June 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He then fastened a prop between the closely planted posts and tried again, but he could not spring with enough force to get over.
Some Three Hundred Years Ago|Edith Gilman Brewster
Immediately on sitting down at his usual table he would open a book, prop it up against the sugar bowl, and begin to read.
A Bed of Roses|W. L. George
One Cluvius has left him a prop 183erty at Puteoli, and the house has tumbled down; but he has sent for Chrysippus, an architect.
The Life of Cicero|Anthony Trollope
Periculosum est illud per quod quis aliquando captus sit videre; prop se consequuntur proponi formam & exponi pudicitiam.
The Curtezan unmasked|Annonymous (a Spiritual Physician)
The prop'ty's all goin' to you, but I guess I shall leave five thousand apiece to the two families out the'e.
Ragged Lady, Complete|William Dean Howells
British Dictionary definitions for prop (1 of 3)
/ (prɒp) /
verbprops, proppingorpropped (when tr, often foll by up)
(tr)to support with a rigid object, such as a stick
(tr usually also foll by against) to place or lean
(tr)to sustain or support
(intr)Australian and NZto stop suddenly or unexpectedly
something that gives rigid support, such as a stick
a person or thing giving support, as of a moral or spiritual nature
rugbyeither of the forwards at either end of the front row of a scrum
Word Origin for prop
C15: related to Middle Dutch proppe vine prop; compare Old High German pfropfo shoot, German Pfropfen stopper