As most TikTokers are constantly engaged with their audience in the comment section, you might even prompt the creator to post the video you need.
Use TikTok to build the perfect workout|Sandra Gutierrez G.|September 17, 2020|Popular Science
The error prompted Nielsen’s attorneys to contact Murphy’s legal team to correct the record, which they did.
What to make of the DHS whistleblower’s shocking complaint|Alex Ward|September 11, 2020|Vox
It’s the urgency of this pandemic that’s prompted it, he says.
Wearing a mask could protect you from COVID-19 in more ways than you think|Kat Eschner|September 10, 2020|Popular Science
Some of that disinformation prompted supporters to physically attack journalists and attempt to invade the National Congress in June.
Brazil’s “fake news” bill won’t solve its misinformation problem|Amy Nordrum|September 10, 2020|MIT Technology Review
That’s precisely what prompted Amy Dekroon, a 16-year-old from Atlanta, Georgia, to take a job as a shift manager at a Wendy’s.
Working as Teens? Not Gen Z|Pallabi Munsi|September 7, 2020|Ozy
Schiff, the Hollywood congressman, said that the movie should be promptly released and widely broadcast.
Obama Could Hit China to Punish North Korea|Shane Harris, Tim Mak|December 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Prosecutors say the two then promised that employee a $10,000 bonus, which was promptly paid.
Obama’s Golf Buddy May Be a ‘Hostile Witness’ in Chicago Corruption Case|Ben Jacobs|December 3, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Resources were promptly diverted to rescue those under attack, the committee found.
Congress Debunks Congress’s Nuttiest Benghazi Theories|Ben Jacobs|November 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He promptly explained the situation, breaking early for intermission.
How the Circus Got a Social Conscience|Justin Jones|November 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Quinn lost his fortune after he amassed control of 25% of Anglo Irish Bank, which promptly went under in the 2007 financial crash.
The Zillionaires Who Lost Everything|Tom Sykes|October 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The order was promptly obeyed, and the commander rode forward with the captain of the second company.
In The Saddle|Oliver Optic
She set the cup down before him, and he promptly dipped a fern root into it; then started back with a cry of dismay.
"Some Say"|Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Kirkwood promptly tumbled in; and when he turned to shut the door the coaches were moving.
The Black Bag|Louis Joseph Vance
When the renomination came to him, he took it with clean hands and a clear conscience; and it did come surely and promptly.
Abraham Lincoln, Vol. II|John T. Morse
A deck-hand tossed a cast-line to the steamer's deck, and Mayo promptly threw it back.
Blow The Man Down|Holman Day
Words related to promptly
rapidly, swiftly, speedily, quickly, directly, hastily, instantly, expeditiously, pronto, fast, flat-out, lickety-split, now, on the double, on time, posthaste, right away, sharp, straightaway, at once