[ prohb ] SHOW IPA
verb (used with object), probed, prob·ing. to search into or examine thoroughly; question closely: to probe one's conscience.
to examine or explore with a probe.
verb (used without object), probed, prob·ing. to examine or explore with or as if with a probe.
noun the act of probing.
a slender surgical instrument for exploring the depth or direction of a wound, sinus, or the like.
an investigation, especially by a legislative committee, of suspected illegal activity.
Aerospace . space probe.
a projecting, pipelike device on a receiving aircraft used to make connection with and receive fuel from a tanker aircraft during refueling in flight.
a device, attached by cord to an oven, that can be inserted into roasts or other food so that the oven shuts off when the desired internal temperature of the food is reached.
Biology . any identifiable substance that is used to detect, isolate, or identify another substance, as a labeled strand of DNA that hybridizes with its complementary RNA or a monoclonal antibody that combines with a specific protein.
SEE MORE SEE LESS Origin of probe 1555–65; (noun) <Medieval Latin proba examination, Late Latin: test, derivative of probāre (see prove); (v.) partly derivative of the noun, partly <Latin probāre. See proof
SYNONYMS FOR probe 1 investigate, scrutinize.
OTHER WORDS FROM probe probe·a·ble, adjective prober, noun re·probe, verb, re·probed, re·prob·ing. un·probed, adjective Words nearby probe probation, probationary assistant, probationer, probation officer, probative, probe , probenecid, probe syringe, probie, probiosis, probiotic
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for probe However, the probe stayed in contact with the Rosetta orbiter and has already sent back some photos.
Earthlings, We Landed on a Comet | Matthew R. Francis| November 12, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Then finally, the probe had to be released at the right moment and on the right course to land at that spot.
Earthlings, We Landed on a Comet | Matthew R. Francis| November 12, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The probe appears to be sitting at the bottom of a "cliff" on the comet, but beyond that it's hard to tell.
Earthlings, We Landed on a Comet | Matthew R. Francis| November 12, 2014| DAILY BEAST
UPDATE: Since publication yesterday, the Philae team learned that the probe bounced two times and apparently landed on its side.
Earthlings, We Landed on a Comet | Matthew R. Francis| November 12, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Earthlings, we can celebrate the accomplishment of landing a probe on a new world.
Earthlings, We Landed on a Comet | Matthew R. Francis| November 12, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The probe was introduced the second time and the ball was supposed to be distinctly felt.
Lincoln's Last Hours | Charles A. Leale
Was this the deeper harder secret that Elsa sought to probe , this the puzzle to which she asked an answer?
The King's Mirror | Anthony Hope
The probe lights glowed from the walls and ceiling, efficiently X-raying his bag and his clothing for any prohibited imports.
The Cartels Jungle | Irving E. Cox, Jr.
We are therefore forced to pause awhile, and probe beneath the surface.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 15, Slice 1 | Various
To rest a little from clap-trap, and probe the wild promise of gain.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 102, April 30, 1892 | Various
British Dictionary definitions for probe verb (tr) to search into or question closely
to examine (something) with or as if with a probe
noun something that probes, examines, or tests
surgery a slender and usually flexible instrument for exploring a wound, sinus, etc
a thorough inquiry, such as one by a newspaper into corrupt practices
electronics a lead connecting to or containing a measuring or monitoring circuit used for testing
electronics a conductor inserted into a waveguide or cavity resonator to provide coupling to an external circuit
any of various devices that provide a coupling link, esp a flexible tube extended from an aircraft to link it with another so that it can refuel
See space probe
Derived forms of probe probeable , adjective prober , noun Word Origin for probe C16: from Medieval Latin proba investigation, from Latin probāre to test
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to probe inquest, study, scrutiny, exploration, examination, inquiry, research, check out, inquire, verify, dig, scrutinize, interrogate, examine, poke, sift, penetrate, probing, detection, quest
Medical definitions for probe n. A slender, flexible surgical instrument with a blunt bulbous tip, used to explore a wound or body cavity.
A substance, such as DNA, that is radioactively labeled or otherwise marked and used to detect or identify another substance in a sample.
v. To explore a wound or body cavity with a probe.
The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.