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Ultimately, the three factors discussed here suggest that fears of widespread violence by vigilantes and activists during and after Election Day should be treated as fears, not as a probable outcome.
Election Violence In November? Here’s What The Research Says|LGBTQ-Editor|October 2, 2020|No Straight News
The charges were filed Thursday in the 36th District Court in Detroit, where a judge found probable cause to support them, according to the Associated Press.
Michigan’s lesbian AG slaps felony charges on Wohl, Burkman for robocalls|Chris Johnson|October 1, 2020|Washington Blade
The more probable outcome is that business will have to adapt to a disorienting new rule book in Washington and in government at all levels nationwide.
What business needs from the 2020 election|Geoffrey Colvin|September 30, 2020|Fortune
Life events and random circumstances tug kids in different directions, making various outcomes more or less probable but never dictating outcomes, the authors emphasize.
‘The Origins of You’ explores how kids develop into their adult selves|Bruce Bower|September 16, 2020|Science News
This information allows consumers to contact manufacturers directly to inquire about the source of product ingredients and notify the company of any known or probable reactions to the ingredients.
The ‘inactive' ingredients in your pills could harm you|By Yelena Ionova/The Conversation|September 15, 2020|Popular Science
He was not selling “loosies” that day, no cigarettes were found on his person, and thus there was no probable cause in play.
What Would Happen if I Got in White Cop’s Face?|Goldie Taylor|December 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But “reasonable suspicion” is not the same thing as probable cause.
A Shooting on a Tribal Land Uncovers Feds Running Wild|Caitlin Dickson|August 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But interest does not translate into probable cause without evidence.
How ‘MrHandcuffs’ Ended Up With Two Corpses in Suitcases|Michael Daly|June 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
However, if only two are observed, a tension-type headache becomes the most probable culprit.
How to Destroy Your Headaches|Dr. Anand Veeravagu, MD, Tej Azad|June 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Actually, a rich guy got away with rape in the (probable) absence of fully convincing evidence two years after the crime.
Delaware’s Affluenza Case Affects Justice, Too|Jay Michaelson|April 1, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It is not to be supposed that Mr. Mason contemplated the probable renewal of hostilities without great anxiety.
Gascoyne, The Sandal Wood Trader|R. M. Ballantyne
Here they were, instead, at a little after midday, confronting sure ruin and probable death.
Ned, the son of Webb|William O. Stoddard
While this was going on Lepoletais coolly explained to Don Sancho the probable results of the expedient he had employed.
The Buccaneer Chief|Gustave Aimard
It is probable that Agrippa felt much of this; why then did he not become entirely, not almost, a Christian?
"Granny's Chapters"|Lady Mary Ross
The Orphic, chiefly deserving mention as the probable foundation of the Eleusinian.
Mysticism and its Results|John Delafield
British Dictionary definitions for probable
/ (ˈprɒbəbəl) /
likely to be or to happen but not necessarily so
most likelythe probable cause of the accident
a person who is probably to be chosen for a team, event, etc
Word Origin for probable
C14: via Old French from Latin probābilis that may be proved, from probāre to prove