Unfortunately I was not privy to blood volume and therefore hematocrit levels.
Inside a secret running program at Nike and a win-at-all-costs corporate culture|Rachel King|October 6, 2020|Fortune
The “Q” of QAnon is supposedly a high-level government official privy to these secrets because of a top-secret security clearance.
As QAnon grew, Facebook and Twitter missed years of warning signs about the conspiracy theory’s violent nature|Craig Timberg, Elizabeth Dwoskin|October 1, 2020|Washington Post
In response to Charvel’s letter, a principal of the financing firm that has stepped up to represent investors following the city’s decision to stop paying rent said lenders also weren’t privy to all of Cisterra’s expenses.
The City Doesn’t Know Where $14M in Ash Street Deal Went|Lisa Halverstadt|September 26, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Pinsky was also privy to payouts for his celebrity, accepting a lucrative consulting gig with Janssen Pharmaceutica.
It’s Time to Turn Off TV Doctors|April Siese|June 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I'm just an average citizen not privy to that kind of information.
Reader Poll Results: Do you Care That the NSA Is Spying on You?|The Daily Beast|June 8, 2013|DAILY BEAST
He believes he is privy to information not reflected in polls.
Republicans: Check Your Premises||November 9, 2012|DAILY BEAST
We have reason to believe he was privy to this report before it was released.