the sum or amount of money or its equivalent for which anything is bought, sold, or offered for sale.
a sum offered for the capture of a person alive or dead: The authorities put a price on his head.
the sum of money, or other consideration, for which a person's support, consent, etc., may be obtained, especially in cases involving sacrifice of integrity: They claimed that every politician has a price.
that which must be given, done, or undergone in order to obtain a thing: He gained the victory, but at a heavy price.
odds (def. 2).
Archaic. value or worth.
Archaic. great value or worth (usually preceded by of).
verb (used with object),priced,pric·ing.
to fix the price of.
to ask or determine the price of: We spent the day pricing furniture at various stores.
Idioms for price
at any price, at any cost, no matter how great: Their orders were to capture the town at any price.
beyond / without price, of incalculable value; priceless: The crown jewels are beyond price.
Origin of price
First recorded in 1175–1225; (noun) Middle English pris(e), from Old French, Latin pretium “price, value, worth” (cf. precious); (verb) late Middle English prisen, from Middle French prisier, derivative of pris,Old French as above; see prize2, praise
synonym study for price
1, 4. Price,charge,cost,expense refer to outlay or expenditure required in buying or maintaining something. Price is used mainly of single, concrete objects offered for sale; charge, of services: What is the price of that coat? There is a small charge for mailing packages.Cost is mainly a purely objective term, often used in financial calculations: The cost of building a new annex was estimated at $10,000.Expense suggests cost plus incidental expenditure: The expense of the journey was more than the contemplated cost. Only charge is not used figuratively. Price,cost, and sometimes expense may be used to refer to the expenditure of mental energy, what one “pays” in anxiety, suffering, etc.
price·a·ble,adjectivepre·price,verb (used with object),pre·priced,pre·pric·ing;nounre·price,verb,re·priced,re·pric·ing.well-priced,adjective
While the price gains in currencies like COMP have been driven by traders looking for arbitrage opportunities, Sullivan notes that such activity helped mainstream cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin gain a foothold years ago.
Crypto soars again as traders embrace ‘DeFi’ and ‘yield farming’—but some see echoes of the 2017 bubble|Jeff|August 25, 2020|Fortune
Companies with any market power to raise prices will likely do so.
After $20 trillion in pandemic relief spending, there’s still no sign of inflation. What happened?|Bernhard Warner|August 25, 2020|Fortune
Domestic soybean prices in Brazil rose to a record as the real slumped against the dollar and oilseed demand picked up.
Farmers are selling soybeans two years in advance in rare trade|Rachel Schallom|August 25, 2020|Fortune
Overstock’s share price has grown six times more than Wayfair, which is having a heck of a run itself.
The year’s hottest e-commerce stock is up more than 1,500%. Its founder cashed out before the rally|Bernhard Warner|August 18, 2020|Fortune
Smaller electric-vehicle makers like Workhouse Group and Arcimoto have done even better, seeing their stock prices rise fivefold.
Downtrodden GM stock gets a boost from electric-vehicle spinoff speculation|Aaron Pressman|August 18, 2020|Fortune
“Price for adults to $4250; From 10 years to 14 years to $2125; Under 10 years free,” the listing says.
Ghost Ships of the Mediterranean|Barbie Latza Nadeau|January 6, 2015|DAILY BEAST
But in more middle-class and working-class neighborhoods, sessions are typically a fourth of that price.
Iran’s Becoming a Footloose Nation as Dance Lessons Spread|IranWire|January 2, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Industry experts claim an increase in awareness amongst men when it comes to styles, design, and price regarding their underwear.
Would You Pay $100 For a 50 Cent Bulge? Men’s Undies Get Expensive|James Joiner|December 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The price reflects its rarity as well, but also the finicky, difficult, and nuanced process of making Champagne.
Champagne: You’re Drinking It All Wrong|Kayleigh Kulp|December 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But Uber's surges are not price gouging, as some have erroneously claimed.
In Defense of Uber’s Awful Sydney Surge Pricing|Olivia Nuzzi|December 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
This sponge is specially employed for the toilet, and its price is high.
The Ocean World:|Louis Figuier
As we plodded along he talked about his cattle ranch, the price of cattle, and what profit he had made that year.
The Burglar's Fate And The Detectives|Allan Pinkerton
In any of these cases, the price of indifference would be catastrophic.
Complete State of the Union Addresses from 1790 to 2006|Various
The combination of these causes led to one of the most remarkable rises in price ever known.
Mammon and Co.|E. F. Benson
They counted the price of them, and found it to be fifty thousand pieces of silver.
The World English Bible (WEB), The Old Testament, Complete|Various
British Dictionary definitions for price
/ (praɪs) /
the sum in money or goods for which anything is or may be bought or sold
the cost at which anything is obtained
the cost of bribing a person
a sum of money offered or given as a reward for a capture or killing
value or worth, esp high worth
gambling another word for odds
at any pricewhatever the price or cost
at a priceat a high price
beyond priceorwithout priceinvaluable or priceless
the price of someoneIrishwhat someone deserves, esp a fitting punishmentit's just the price of him
what price something?what are the chances of something happening now?
to fix or establish the price of
to ascertain or discover the price of
price out of the marketto charge so highly for as to prevent the sale, hire, etc, of
Derived forms of price
pricer, noun
Word Origin for price
C13 pris, from Old French, from Latin pretium price, value, wage