[ pres -ing ] SHOW IPA
adjective urgent; demanding immediate attention: a pressing need.
noun any phonograph record produced in a record-molding press from a master or a stamper.
a number of such records produced at one time: The fifth pressing of his hit song has sold out.
Origin of pressing 1300–50; Middle English presing (gerund); see press1 , -ing2 , -ing1
SYNONYMS FOR pressing 1 crucial, vital, critical, imperative.
OTHER WORDS FROM pressing press·ing·ly, adverb press·ing·ness, noun non·press·ing, adjective Words nearby pressing press fastener, press fit, press gallery, press gang, pressie, pressing , pressing plant, press into service, press kit, press lord, pressman
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for pressing Then again, poetry is probably not the most pressing business case for Primer’s products.
Can A.I. understand poetry? | Jeremy Kahn| August 18, 2020| Fortune
It’s a goal that might take a backseat to more pressing concerns in the short term.
10 questions I wish I’d asked prior employers before accepting a job | Alexandra Dobkin| July 27, 2020| Quartz
We are failing to collectively understand what our most critical and pressing problems actually are.
Why It Took So Long For Politicians To Treat The Child Care Crisis As A Crisis | Clare Malone (clare.malone@fivethirtyeight.com)| July 16, 2020| FiveThirtyEight
Still, perhaps the most pressing issue is that no one knows where the ROS are coming from, and why they accrue in the gut.
Why Sleep Deprivation Kills | Veronique Greenwood| June 4, 2020| Quanta Magazine
Over the past several weeks, we have focused our episodes on some of the most pressing and most concrete problems of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Will Covid-19 Spark a Cold War (or Worse) With China? (Ep. 414) | Stephen J. Dubner| April 23, 2020| Freakonomics
Pressing the dodge button at the right time causes her to temporarily burst into an invincible flock of crows.
Bayonetta Is Nintendo’s Graphic, Ass-Kicking Barbie | Alec Kubas-Meyer| October 24, 2014| DAILY BEAST
It's not a problem not most of us have, but for those who do, it's a pressing social issue.
How To Fire Your Maid, By A Russian Oligarch | Tom Sykes| October 1, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Alamuddin, 36, has a pressing work schedule back in London as well.
After the Wedding: George Clooney and Amal Alamuddin in Venice | Barbie Latza Nadeau| September 28, 2014| DAILY BEAST
She was relentless in pressing her husband and other officials to take risks and do what was right for the country.
Channeling Eleanor | Eleanor Clift| September 9, 2014| DAILY BEAST
I saw our domestically focused agencies devote a substantial portion of their budgets to their pressing needs.
Billie Holiday, Barack Obama, and the Pain of Black Women | Joshua DuBois| June 22, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The engine having proved itself indispensable, the demand for it was becoming great and pressing from various countries.
James Watt | Andrew Carnegie
They sought each other with eager arms, clung together, pressing close, without further speech.
The Patriot | Antonio Fogazzaro
A few words here will sufficiently convey my appeal, but those few must be pressing .
To My Younger Brethren | Handley C. G. Moule
Finally he extended his arms and pressing them on his pallet tried to rise, but he could have lifted the earth as easily.
The City of Delight | Elizabeth Miller
Emboldened by the effect of these measures, the King lost no time in pressing forward his designs against the Church.
Andrew Melville | William Morison
British Dictionary definitions for pressing adjective demanding immediate attention
persistent or importunate
noun a large specified number of gramophone records produced at one time from a master record
a component formed in a press
football the tactic of trying to stay very close to the opposition when they are in possession of the ball
Derived forms of pressing pressingly , adverb pressingness , noun Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to pressing acute, insistent, crucial, demanding, compelling, vital, imperative, immediate, dire, serious, critical, distressing, instant, burning, requiring, exacting, crying, obliging, claiming, constraining