[ pred -uh -ses-er, pred-uh -ses -er or, especially British , pree -duh -ses-er ] SHOW IPA
/ ˈprɛd əˌsɛs ər, ˌprɛd əˈsɛs ər or, especially British , ˈpri dəˌsɛs ər / PHONETIC RESPELLING
noun a person who precedes another in an office, position, etc.
something succeeded or replaced by something else: The new monument in the park is more beautiful than its predecessor.
Archaic . an ancestor; forefather.
Origin of predecessor 1250–1300; Middle English predecessour <Anglo-French <Late Latin praedēcessor, equivalent to Latin prae- pre- + dēcessor retiring official, itself equivalent to dēced-, variant stem of dēcēdere to withdraw (dē- de- + cēdere to yield; see cede) + -tor -tor, with dt >ss
Words nearby predecessor predator, predatory, predatory pricing, predawn, predecease, predecessor , predecidual, predella, predentin, predeposit, predesignate
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for predecessor Under the current president and his predecessor , Jett notes, the ambassadorship of Belize has gone to college roommates.
U.S. Embassies Have Always Been for Sale | William O’Connor| January 2, 2015| DAILY BEAST
Austin Mahone, the teenage pop star with a more wholesome image than his predecessor Justin Bieber wants to tell you his story.
Portrait of the Austin Mahone as a Teen Idol | William O’Connor| December 10, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The 247 was the first airplane really to define the form of a modern airliner, flying faster and higher than any predecessor .
Flying Coach Is the New Hell: How Airlines Engineer You Out of Room | Clive Irving| November 25, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Scott says he last spoke to his predecessor a few days ago, although he never explicitly gave his blessing.
Democratic Africa Gets Its First White Leader | Nico Hines| October 29, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Now Obama needs his predecessor to help prevent a solid Republican Congress from hassling him all the way to January 20, 2017.
The Only Way for Democrats to Win | Jonathan Alter| October 24, 2014| DAILY BEAST
When I compare the position of the reader of to-day with that of his predecessor of the sixteenth century.
Library Of The World's Best Literature, Ancient And Modern, Vol 3 | Various
He was named after the Presbyterian minister who was his father's predecessor .
The Cleveland Era | Henry Jones Ford
The Elector was as silent as his predecessor , and quickly produced a bottle of Steinberg.
Vivian Grey | Earl of Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli
Yes, fair and gentle one, that is just why even you go to the Thames as your predecessor went to the Colosseum.
Harvard Stories | Waldron Kintzing Post
He was nephew and son-in-law to his predecessor on the throne, Antoninus Pius.
The Voice of Science in Nineteenth-Century Literature | Various
British Dictionary definitions for predecessor noun a person who precedes another, as in an office
something that precedes something else
an ancestor; forefather
Word Origin for predecessor C14: via Old French from Late Latin praedēcessor, from prae before + dēcēdere to go away, from dē away + cēdere to go
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to predecessor ancestor, forebear, antecedent, precursor, prior, forerunner, prototype, former, previous, antecessor, foregoer