portraitist, portrait lens, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, portraiture, portray, portrayal, portress, Port Royal, port running, Port Said, Port-Salut
Since the tweets contest the normative portrayals of same-sex relations, they also constitute activist representations.
How Young, Queer Nigerians Use Twitter To Shape Identity And Fight Homophobia|LGBTQ-Editor|October 14, 2020|No Straight News
That contradicts its fans portrayal of Big Tech as a matchless growth machine.
Will tech stocks stumble or slide? What the fundamentals tell us|Shawn Tully|September 16, 2020|Fortune
She was loved by her legions of fans for her indelible portrayal of Princess Leia in the “Stars Wars” franchise and other performances — from Marie in “When Harry Met Sally,” to her cameo in a “Sex and the City” episode.
‘A Star is Bored’ a delicious work of fiction|Kathi Wolfe|August 13, 2020|Washington Blade
But everything about the Hughes-Eldridge pairing militated against such a portrayal.
The Rise and Fall of Chris Hughes and Sean Eldridge, America’s Worst Gay Power Couple|James Kirchick|December 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Others have found its portrayal of Southern life offensive, exploitative, or inaccurate.
The Shocking Rise and Fall of ‘Honey Boo Boo’|Kevin Fallon|October 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Did McCarthy invent the portrayal of violence in fiction, or should that laurel go to Homer?
Compliments Are Nice, but Enough With the Cormac McCarthy Comparisons|William Giraldi|October 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
FDR was a performer whose artistry was the portrayal of easy authority.
FDR: King of All Media|John Avlon|September 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And Idris Elba, who recently earned raves for his portrayal of Nelson Mandela, deserves better than this.
Idris Elba’s Battle of the Bulge: Moose Knuckles and Sexist Double Standards|Keli Goff|August 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He would illustrate his lessons by fables in the portrayal of which he was wonderfully gifted.
A Thousand Years of Jewish History|Maurice H. (Maurice Henry) Harris
In one direction alone did he fail, or choose to fail—in the portrayal of facial beauty, elegance, and respectability.
The History of "Punch"|M. H. Spielmann
Then the portrayal of purely physical beauty, with refinement of line and gorgeousness of color, became preëminent.
Barbara's Heritage|Deristhe L. Hoyt
I believe I should not think of attempting to write a Portrayal if I had hips like a pair of saddle-bags.
The Story of Mary MacLane|Mary MacLane
In his portrayal, the possibilities of "repressed emotion" have been startlingly indicated.