(of books, usually children's books) having pieces of artwork fastened to the pages so that when the page is opened, a three-dimensional cutout or object is formed and, sometimes, movement of a picture element, such as a door opening, can be activated by pulling a tab.
of or being a device that ejects or raises a finished or used item from the top: a pop-up toaster.
of or relating to a device, mechanism, or object that rises or pivots from a concealed or recessed position to its operating position: a camera with a pop-up electronic flash; a car with pop-up headlights.
popping up, as from an appliance or object: pop-up waffles heated in the toaster; a pop-up gauge for indicating when the turkey is done.
noting or pertaining to a store, restaurant, etc., that temporarily takes over a vacant space and does business there for a short time: a pop-up store selling Halloween costumes.
Digital Technology. (of a new window or its content) appearing suddenly and temporarily within or in front of an open window on the screen of a computer or mobile device: Right-click to get a pop-up menu. There are tools to block pop-up ads.
a pop-up book.
Also called pop-out, pop·out . something, as a partially cut out or spring-mounted illustration in a children's book, that unfolds or springs up when opened or otherwise activated: a Christmas card with a pop-up of Santa Claus.
Baseball. pop fly.
a pop-up store, restaurant, etc.
Digital Technology. a pop-up window, message, advertisement, etc.: Press the hotkey and the pop-up will appear.
Origin of pop-up
First recorded in 1860–65 for def. 9; noun, adjective use of verb phrase pop up
Other questionable text is marked with red dotted underlining and a pop-up Transcriber's Note.
Report of the Decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, and the Opinions of the Judges Thereof, in the Case of Dred Scott versus John F.A. Sandford|Benjamin C. Howard
For short phrases, hover the mouse over the phrase (which may display as boxes or question marks) to see a pop-up transliteration.
The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory|George Saintsbury
Hover the cursor over the underlined text to see a pop-up Transcriber's Note.
Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino, Volume I (of 3)|James Dennistoun
Corrections are marked like this with a pop-up to show the original text.
Dress as a Fine Art|Mary Philadelphia Merrifield
These five changes are indentified by dotted red underlining with pop-up titles.
Steam Turbines|Hubert E. Collins
British Dictionary definitions for pop-up
(of an appliance) characterized by or having a mechanism that pops upa pop-up toaster
(of a book) having pages that rise when opened to simulate a three-dimensional form
computing(of a menu on a computer screen, etc) suddenly appearing when an option is selected
(of a shop, restaurant, venue, or other small business) intentionally opening and closing for business within a very short span of timea pop-up shop
verbpop up
(intr, adverb)to appear suddenly from below
computingsomething that appears over or above the open window on a computer screen