[ poo r -lee ] SHOW IPA
adverb in a poor manner or way: The team played poorly.
adjective in poor health; somewhat ill: I hear she's been poorly.
Origin of poorly First recorded in 1250–1300, poorly is from the Middle English word pourely. See poor, -ly
Words nearby poorly poor farm, poorhouse, poorish, Poor Joe, poor law, poorly , poorly differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma, poor man's orange, poor mouth, poor rate, poor relation
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for poorly However, as Nuismer, Bull and other researchers acknowledge, a poorly designed live virus could evolve after it was released and potentially become a pathogen again — the opposite of what researchers want.
Can Vaccines for Wildlife Prevent Human Pandemics? | Rodrigo Pérez Ortega| August 24, 2020| Quanta Magazine
Not surprisingly, the politicians most eager to claim the mantle of war leaders have performed poorly and lost public support.
Why female leaders are faring better than ‘wartime presidents’ against COVID-19 | matthewheimer| August 20, 2020| Fortune
N-tuples, however, did poorly for the intricacies of a face, whose appearance also varies with illumination, tilt of the head, facial expression, and the subject’s age.
The Bias in the Machine - Issue 89: The Dark Side | Sidney Perkowitz| August 19, 2020| Nautilus
Because he didn’t want poorly maintained machines to give his company a bad name, he rented the machines to his customers and included both service and support.
Punching in | Tate Ryan-Mosley| August 19, 2020| MIT Technology Review
People who might have been helped by these researchers’ work will become disillusioned by technologies that perform poorly when it matters most.
Too many AI researchers think real-world problems are not relevant | Amy Nordrum| August 18, 2020| MIT Technology Review
Opened in Sept. 2002, this “poorly managed” detention facility was the second site opened by the CIA after the 9/11 attacks.
The Most Gruesome Moments in the CIA ‘Torture Report’ | Shane Harris, Tim Mak| December 9, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The problem, of course, is that the “me vs. not me” response can serve us poorly in the more social sense.
Ferguson, Immigration, and ‘Us Vs. Them’ | Gene Robinson| November 27, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Their fighting was poorly coordinated, their weapons were vintage pieces, mostly seized from the Ukrainian military.
East Ukraine: Back in the USSR | Jamie Dettmer| November 19, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The Denver debate went off without a hitch—except for President Obama, who did poorly , as I recall.
Behind the Scenes With a ‘Site Agent’: The Secret Service’s Hardest Job | Marc Ambinder| October 2, 2014| DAILY BEAST
And when support goes up, so do the earnings of the Zaitokukai—earnings that are poorly accounted for and go untaxed.
For Top Pols In Japan Crime Doesn’t Pay, But Hate Crime Does | Jake Adelstein, Angela Erika Kubo| September 26, 2014| DAILY BEAST
At a quarter past the hour she felt so poorly as to be compelled to retire to her room.
'Farewell, Nikola' | Guy Boothby
The meetings of Miss Anthony and her co-workers were but poorly attended and all but barren of results.
Labor and Freedom | Eugene V. Debs
Ah Fe, without removing his eyes from blank vacancy, saw that both Mrs. Tretherick and Carry were poorly dressed.
Tales of the Argonauts | Bret Harte
The expedition had been poorly outfitted and undermanned from the beginning.
Despoilers of the Golden Empire | Gordon Randall Garrett
These often are underdesigned even for initial loads, let alone for the growth that comes later, and most of them are poorly run.
The Nation's River | United States Department of the Interior
British Dictionary definitions for poorly adverb in a poor way or manner; badly
adjective (usually postpositive) informal in poor health; rather ill she's poorly today
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to poorly ill, badly, inadequately, insufficiently, crudely, ailing, below par, failing, indisposed, low, mean, out of sorts, rotten, sick, sickly, under the weather, unwell, incompetently, meanly, defectively