释义 |
[ pol-uhk ] / ˈpɒl ək /
noun, plural pol·locks, (especially collectively) pol·lock.Chiefly British.Also called saithe. a North Atlantic food fish, Pollachius virens, of the cod family. pollack. Origin of pollockvariant of pollack Words nearby pollockpollinium, pollinize, pollinosis, polliwog, pollo, pollock, Pollock, Jackson, poll parrot, pollster, polltaker, poll tax Definition for pollock (2 of 2)[ pol-uhk ] / ˈpɒl ək /
nounSir Frederick, 1845–1937, English legal scholar and author. Jackson, 1912–56, U.S. painter. Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for pollockThis rule put management of the pollock fishery in the context of the ecosystem. The Big Idea: Saving the World’s Most Important Fish|Kevin M. Bailey|August 9, 2013|DAILY BEAST Increasingly, pollock and jobs are being shipped offshore, mainly to China. The Big Idea: Saving the World’s Most Important Fish|Kevin M. Bailey|August 9, 2013|DAILY BEAST Furthermore, these pollock live in a relatively healthy, balanced ecosystem. The Big Idea: Saving the World’s Most Important Fish|Kevin M. Bailey|August 9, 2013|DAILY BEAST What does the story of Alaska pollock tell us about maintaining a more sustainable fishery? The Big Idea: Saving the World’s Most Important Fish|Kevin M. Bailey|August 9, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The harvest of Alaska pollock in the eastern Bering Sea is worth about $1.5 billion. The Big Idea: Saving the World’s Most Important Fish|Kevin M. Bailey|August 9, 2013|DAILY BEAST This pollock netting comes to an abrupt end with the closing days of January, when the fish move offshore. Fishing Grounds of the Gulf of Maine|Walter H. Rich Henry Pollock had waked up his father, and they were running the Pollock farm on much more modern lines than before. Hiram The Young Farmer|Burbank L. Todd In spring cod are most abundant, in late summer and fall hake, cod, and pollock are taken. Fishing Grounds of the Gulf of Maine|Walter H. Rich Cod (especially abundant when the June school is on the ground) and pollock are the principal fish. Fishing Grounds of the Gulf of Maine|Walter H. Rich Pollock came out of the hut cautiously and walked towards the river, looking over his shoulder at intervals. The Plattner Story and Others|H. G. Wells
British Dictionary definitions for pollock
nounSir Frederick. 1845–1937, English legal scholar: with Maitland, he wrote History of English Law before the Time of Edward I (1895) Jackson. 1912–56, US abstract expressionist painter; chief exponent of action painting in the US Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |