“I thought it was ludicrous,” says Jason Isaacs, when asked what his reaction was to the idea of remaking the Polanski classic.
‘Rosemary’s Baby’: How NBC Gave Birth to a New Version of Roman Polanski’s Horror Classic|Kevin Fallon|May 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Her incensed mother contacted a lawyer, hoping to block publication; Polanski had not made her sign a release.
The Roman Polanski ‘Girl’ Speaks Out: Speedreading Samantha Geimer’s Memoir|Thomas Flynn|September 12, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Geimer says she repeatedly asked to be brought home, and Polanski repeatedly refused.
The Roman Polanski ‘Girl’ Speaks Out: Speedreading Samantha Geimer’s Memoir|Thomas Flynn|September 12, 2013|DAILY BEAST
She thought at the time—and still thinks—that Polanski should have received probation and nothing more.
The Roman Polanski ‘Girl’ Speaks Out: Speedreading Samantha Geimer’s Memoir|Thomas Flynn|September 12, 2013|DAILY BEAST
/ (pəˈlænskɪ) /
Roman. born 1933, Polish film director with a taste for the macabre, as in Repulsion (1965) and Rosemary's Baby (1968): later films include Tess (1980), Death and the Maiden (1995), and The Pianist (2002)