more by the addition of; increased by: ten plus two is twelve.
with the addition of; with: He had wealth plus fame.
involving or noting addition.
positive: a plus quantity.
more (by a certain amount).
Electricity. pertaining to or characterized by positive electricity: the plus terminal.
Mycology. (in heterothallic fungi) designating, in the absence of morphological differentiation, one of the two strains of mycelia that unite in the sexual process.
having a certain quality to an unusual degree: He has personality plus.
a plus quantity.
Arithmetic. plus sign.
something additional.
a surplus or gain.
Informal. also; and; furthermore: A bicycle is cheaper than a car, plus it doesn't pollute the air.
in addition; besides.
Idioms for plus
pluses and minuses, the good and bad points of something; the advantages and disadvantages; the pros and cons: She spent hours listing the pluses and minuses of each of the apartments she had looked at, trying to narrow down her choices.
Origin of plus
1570–80; <Latin plūs more; akin to Greek pleíōn,Old Norse fleiri more, Old English feolu, fela,German viel,Gothic filu,Old Irish il,Greek polý many
usage note for plus
Since plus as a preposition has long had the meanings “more by the addition of” and “with the addition of,” it was but a short step to a newer use, mainly in informal writing and speech, as a conjunction meaning “also, and, furthermore.” Although this use is increasing, many object to it, and it is rare in more formal writing. And plus is likewise objected to, especially for being redundant: The paper was delivered two hours late, and plus it was soaking wet.
Words nearby plus
pluriglandular, pluriliteral, pluripotent, pluripresence, plurry, plus, plus cyclophoria, plus fours, plush, plushy, plus-one
Plus the GOP electorate has become more conservative since 2008.
The Devil in Mike Huckabee|Dean Obeidallah|January 6, 2015|DAILY BEAST
But self-doubt, while a healthy quality for human beings to have, is alas not a plus for politicians.
Mario Cuomo: An OK Governor, but a Far Better Person|Michael Tomasky|January 2, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Plus, expect outside players to take actions related to the conflict.
In the Middle East, the Two-State Solution Is Dead|Dean Obeidallah|January 2, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Plus there is another problem that the viruses pose—the problem that apparently is the culprit this year—they evolve.
When You Get the Flu This Winter, You Can Blame Anti-Vaxxers|Kent Sepkowitz|January 1, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Plus, his known drug dealings certainly made him vulnerable to blackmail.
The Deal With Serial’s Jay? He’s Pissed Off, Mucks Up Our Timeline|Emily Shire|December 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST
His Jason, printed by Caxton, cost £87 plus commission, and produced £2100.
The Book-Collector|William Carew Hazlitt
Silly half-grown young animals, found out that two plus two is four, and thinking that all things will fit, just that way!
Gadsby|Ernest Vincent Wright
One day a girl was at the board doing a simple sum in addition, three plus four; she put down nine as the entire sum.
American Missionary, Volume 43, No. 10, October, 1889|Various
Car il y en a plus de la moiti qui vit du labeur d'autrui, ne faisant aucun metier qui soit necessaire la vie humaine.
The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, Vol. I: Acadia, 1610-1613|Various
The total thus is 303 persons present plus more than the same number of absentees, or approximately 700.
The Aboriginal Population of the San Joaquin Valley, California|Sherburne F. Cook
British Dictionary definitions for plus
/ (plʌs) /
increased by the addition offour plus two (written 4 + 2)
with or with the addition ofa good job, plus a new car
Also: positive(prenominal)indicating or involving additiona plus sign
another word for positive (def. 8), positive (def. 9)
on the positive part of a scale or coordinate axisa value of +x
indicating the positive side of an electrical circuit
involving positive advantage or gooda plus factor
(postpositive)informalhaving a value above that which is stated or expectedshe had charm plus
(postpositive)slightly above a specified standard on a particular grade or percentagehe received a B+ rating on his essay
botanydesignating the strain of fungus that can only undergo sexual reproduction with a minus strain
short for plus sign
a positive quantity
informalsomething positive or to the good
a gain, surplus, or advantage
Mathematical symbol: +
Word Origin for plus
C17: from Latin: more; compare Greek pleiōn, Old Norse fleiri more, German viel much
usage for plus
Plus, together with, and along with do not create compound subjects in the way that and does: the number of the verb depends on that of the subject to which plus, together with, or along with is added: this task, plus all the others, was (not were) undertaken by the government; the doctor, together with the nurses, was (not were) waiting for the patient