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[ pluhngk ] / plʌŋk / SEE SYNONYMS FOR plunk ON THESAURUS.COM
verb (used with object)to pluck (a stringed instrument or its strings); twang: to plunk a guitar. to throw, push, put, drop, etc., heavily or suddenly; plump (often followed by down): Plunk down your money. She plunked herself down on the seat. to push, shove, toss, etc. (sometimes followed by in, over, etc.): to plunk the ball over the net; to plunk a pencil into a drawer. verb (used without object)to give forth a twanging sound. to drop heavily or suddenly; plump (often followed by down): to plunk down somewhere and take a nap. nounact or sound of plunking. Informal. a direct, forcible blow. adverbInformal. with a plunking sound. Informal. squarely; exactly: The tennis ball landed plunk in the middle of the net. Origin of plunkFirst recorded in 1760–70; expressive word akin to pluck Words nearby plunkplunge basin, plunge bath, plunge pool, plunger, plunging fire, plunk, plunk down, plunker, Plunket, Plunket baby, Plunket nurse Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for plunkSure, the universe of Americans willing to plunk down for an electric sports car is small. Tesla Wins Even When It’s Losing|Daniel Gross|November 11, 2013|DAILY BEAST Anybody's got to have sense about telling the truth; you can't just plunk everything out! The Vehement Flame|Margaret Wade Campbell Deland With a plunk it fell, and exploded about forty feet away, choking me with sand and half blinding me for about five minutes. How I Filmed the War|Lieut. Geoffrey H. Malins Indeed the Clatawa crowd had the money ready to plunk down when the psychological pitch of Sam's Dutch courage had arrived. Bulldog Carney|W. A. Fraser
He heard something hum past his head and plunk into the pilot house behind him. And no sooner had his bulk padded the stone beneath than Ted came, plunk! Unexplored!|Allen Chaffee
British Dictionary definitions for plunk
verbto pluck (the strings) of (a banjo, harp, etc) or (of such an instrument) to give forth a sound when plucked (often foll by down) to drop or be dropped, esp heavily or suddenly nounthe act or sound of plunking informal a hard blow interjectionan exclamation imitative of the sound of something plunking adverbinformal exactly; squarelyplunk into his lap Word Origin for plunkC20: imitative Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to plunkplop, unload, drop, dump, plump, plonk |