a piece of wood or other material used to stop up a hole or aperture, to fill a gap, or to act as a wedge.
a core or interior segment taken from a larger matrix.
Electricity. a device to which may be attached the conductors of a cord and which by insertion in a jack, or screwing into a receptacle, establishes contact.
spark plug (def. 1).
a fireplug or hydrant.
a cake of pressed tobacco.
a piece of tobacco cut off for chewing.
Informal. the favorable mention of something, as in a lecture, radio show, etc.; advertisement; recommendation: The actress was happy to give her new show a plug.
Angling. an artificial lure made of wood, plastic, or metal, and fitted with one or more gang hooks, used chiefly in casting.
Geology. neck (def. 14).
Slang. a worn-out or inferior horse.
Informal. a shopworn or unsalable article.
a small piece of sod used especially for seeding a lawn.
a patch of scalp with viable hair follicles that is used as a graft for a bald part of the head.Compare hair transplant.
Slang. punch1 (def. 1).
a mandrel on which tubes are formed.
a punch on which a cup is drawn.
a protrusion on a forging die for forming a recess in the work.
a false bottom on a die.
Also called dook. a small piece of wood inserted into masonry as a hold for a nail.
Masonry. See under plug and feathers.
Also called plug hat . a man's tall silk hat.
verb (used with object),plugged,plug·ging.
to stop or fill with or as if with a plug (often followed byup): to plug up a leak; plug a gap.
to insert or drive a plug into.
to secure with or as if with a plug.
to insert (something) as a plug.
to remove a core or a small plug-shaped piece from.
to remove the center of (a coin) and replace it with a baser metal: a plugged nickel.
Informal. to mention (something) favorably, as in a lecture, radio show, etc.: He says he will appear if he can plug his new TV series.
Slang. to punch with the fist.
Slang. to shoot or strike with a bullet.
verb (used without object),plugged,plug·ging.
to work with stubborn persistence (often followed by along or away): You're doing a fine job—just keep plugging. Some writers will plug away at the same novel for several years.
Informal. to publicize insistently: Whenever he gets the chance, he's plugging for his company.
Slang. to shoot or fire shots.
Verb Phrases
plug in,
to connect to an electrical power source: Plug the TV set in over there.
Informal.to add or include; incorporate: They still have to plug in more research data.
plug into,
to connect or become connected by or as if by means of a plug: The device will plug into any convenient wall outlet. The proposed new departments would eventually plug into the overall organizational plan.
Informal.to feel an affinity for; like; understand: Some kids just don't plug into sports in school.
plug up,to become plugged: The drain in the sink plugs up every so often.
Idioms for plug
pull the plug on, Informal.
to discontinue or terminate: The government has threatened to pull the plug on further subsidies.
to disconnect life-sustaining equipment from (a moribund patient).
The end result is that this solution is incredibly less plug-and-play for game developers, and developers will have to integrate their payment systems with Apple’s in-app purchase frameworks.
Apple lays out its messy vision for how xCloud and Stadia will work with its App Store rules|Lucas Matney|September 11, 2020|TechCrunch
Except, late into Friday night, Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes suddenly pulled the plug on the Saturday event.
He’s Fighting QAnon With Sunlight|Nick Fouriezos|September 6, 2020|Ozy
Meanwhile, a board of experienced investors guides their progress—and can pull the plug if that progress is too slow.
Are blockchain companies cursed with too much cash?|Jeff|August 19, 2020|Fortune
“That was really the spark plug,” Merlo said in an interview this month.
U.S. will conduct an unofficial dry run of a COVID-19 vaccine campaign this fall|Claire Zillman, reporter|August 19, 2020|Fortune
The other thing I will say, this is a little plug to the public, that if people would just listen to what they’re being told in terms of, you know, stay at home as much as you can, wearing masks when you’re out, social distancing.
‘We Have the Power as a Community to Decide’|Megan Wood|August 7, 2020|Voice of San Diego
TLC promptly pulled the plug on the hit series and Shannon embarked on a press tour denying the claims.
Butts, Brawls, and Bill Cosby: The Biggest Celebrity Scandals of 2014 |Kevin Fallon|December 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Just plug it into any TV and get watching—no need to schedule an installation.
New Innovations Let You Watch TV Anywhere You Go||December 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And then I reach into my pocket and plug in another quarter.
‘Asteroids’ & The Dawn of the Gamer Age|David Owen|November 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
How long did you see Hello Ladies going prior to HBO pulling the plug?
Stephen Merchant Talks ‘Hello Ladies’ movie, the Nicole Kidman Cameo, and Legacy of ‘The Office’|Marlow Stern|November 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
She recalls a particularly traumatic conversation with a HBO executive soon after the plug was pulled on The Comeback.
How Lisa Kudrow Pulled Off TV’s Ultimate ‘Comeback’|Kevin Fallon|November 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
"Sandy'll plug Old Miles in jest another minnit," remarked Fresno.
The U.P. Trail|Zane Grey
The plug and firecock have both certain advantages and disadvantages, which are now described.
Fire Prevention and Fire Extinction|James Braidwood
Plug up the throat and vent of shot birds with cotton, and thrust each bird head downward into a cornucopia of paper.
Elementary Zoology, Second Edition|Vernon L. Kellogg
Just plug at 'em as you would at a crow, and then go on your way whistlin'?
Si Klegg, Book 5 (of 6)|John McElroy
Why, had I children, I should plug both ears with cotton, for fear I should hear the door-bell.
How to Cook Husbands|Elizabeth Strong Worthington
British Dictionary definitions for plug
/ (plʌɡ) /
a piece of wood, cork, or other material, often cylindrical in shape, used to stop up holes and gaps or as a wedge for taking a screw or nail
such a stopper used esp to close the waste pipe of a bath, basin, or sink while it is in use and removed to let the water drain away
a device having one or more pins to which an electric cable is attached: used to make an electrical connection when inserted into a socket
Also called: volcanic pluga mass of solidified magma filling the neck of an extinct volcano
See sparking plug
a cake of pressed or twisted tobacco, esp for chewing
a small piece of such a cake
anglinga weighted artificial lure with one or more sets of hooks attached, used in spinning
a seedling with its roots encased in potting compost, grown in a tray with compartments for each individual plant
informala recommendation or other favourable mention of a product, show, etc, as on television, on radio, or in newspapers
slanga shot, blow, or punch (esp in the phrase take a plug at)
informalthe mechanism that releases water to flush a lavatory (esp in the phrase pull the plug)
mainlyUSan old horse
pull the plug oninformalto put a stop to
verbplugs, pluggingorplugged
(tr)to stop up or secure (a hole, gap, etc) with or as if with a plug
(tr)to insert or use (something) as a plugto plug a finger into one's ear
(tr)informalto make favourable and often-repeated mentions of (a song, product, show, etc), esp on television, on radio, or in newspapers
(tr)slangto shoot with a gunhe plugged six rabbits
(tr)slangto punch or strike
(intr; foll by along, away, etc)informalto work steadily or persistently
Derived forms of plug
plugger, noun
Word Origin for plug
C17: from Middle Dutch plugge; related to Middle Low German plugge, German Pflock