[ pluh -toon ] SHOW IPA
noun a military unit consisting of two or more squads or sections and a headquarters.
a small unit of a police force.
a company or group of persons: a platoon of visitors.
Football . a group of players specially trained in one aspect of the game, as offense or defense, and used as a unit: a halfback on the offensive platoon.
verb (used with object) Sports . to use (a player) at a position in a game alternately with another player or players. to alternate (two different teams or units), as separate offensive and defensive squads. verb (used without object) Sports . to alternate at a position with another player or players. to use players alternately at the same position. to alternate different teams. Origin of platoon 1630–40; earlier plotton <French peloton little ball, group, platoon, diminutive of pelote ball. See pellet, -oon
Words nearby platoon Platonic or platonic, Platonic solid, Platonic year, Platonism, Platonize, platoon , platoon sergeant, Plattdeutsch, Platte, platteland, Plattensee
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for platoon But that was Oliver expunging all this anger he had from not being able to get Platoon made yet, which was his baby.
The Unbelievable (True) Story of the World’s Most Infamous Hash Smuggler | Marlow Stern| November 14, 2014| DAILY BEAST
It was the part that Willem Dafoe wound up playing in Platoon .
Viggo Mortensen Talks ‘The Two Faces of January,’ Blasts Fox News and Israel’s ‘State Terrorism’ | Marlow Stern| September 27, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Once every ten days, a platoon rotates back to Balad Air Base to take showers and wash clothes.
Whatever You Do Someone Will Die. A Short Story About Impossible Choices in Iraq | Nathan Bradley Bethea| August 31, 2014| DAILY BEAST
As the platoon was leaving the compound, they came across a local: Mullah Adahdad.
‘Kill Team’: The Documentary the Army Doesn’t Want You to See | Andrew Romano| July 26, 2014| DAILY BEAST
One day, “myself and Holmes found ourselves kind of secluded from the majority of the platoon ,” Morlock tells Krauss.
‘Kill Team’: The Documentary the Army Doesn’t Want You to See | Andrew Romano| July 26, 2014| DAILY BEAST
He found the second platoon of his company posted a short distance from the corner.
In The Saddle | Oliver Optic
Bob and I missed the platoon in front, they went into some dugout, so we went in with the rear platoon .
Into the Jaws of Death | Jack O'Brien
I took my platoon back to the Bluff, dismissed it, and going up to my dug-out door, stood there for a moment thinking.
Tell England | Ernest Raymond
He was observing the action of our troops in the Argonne and came on a young lieutenant with a platoon of infantry.
Average Americans | Theodore Roosevelt
Lieutenant Allen, your platoon (1st) and the second platoon will constitute the Advance Party.
Military Instructors Manual | James P. Cole and Oliver Schoonmaker
British Dictionary definitions for platoon noun military a subunit of a company usually comprising three sections of ten to twelve men: commanded by a lieutenant
a group or unit of people, esp one sharing a common activity, characteristic, etc
Word Origin for platoon C17: from French peloton little ball, group of men, from pelote ball; see pellet
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to platoon detachment, squadron, patrol, squad, batch, set, parcel, army, battery, company, outfit, cluster, troop, lot, team, array, clump, unit, bunch