The e-commerce giant is peddling plenty of advertising space to companies hoping to give their items prime placement in front of Amazon’s legions of shoppers.
Amazon’s ad business is pandemic-proof|Marc Bain|August 17, 2020|Quartz
Enhanced features can include placement in the Top stories carousel, host carousel, Visual stories, and rich result features such as headline text and larger-than-thumbnail images.
Google rich results test tool adds support for article structured data|Barry Schwartz|August 10, 2020|Search Engine Land
It performed an eye tracking analysis and also tested different placements for Google in the list.
DuckDuckGo: Google’s mobile share would drop 20% with new search choice screen|Greg Sterling|August 10, 2020|Search Engine Land
After monitoring this listing for over 6 months, it continues to rank and undoubtedly reaps the benefits of local traffic from a prime placement in the local pack.
Guide: How to structure a local SEO strategy for your business|Christian Carere|August 6, 2020|Search Engine Watch
Other researchers have tried using proteins or polymers to mimic the viral core before, the team explained, but are limited in the variety of viral protein placements because of the material’s properties.
How Fake Viruses Can Help Us Make the Best Possible Vaccines|Shelly Fan|July 7, 2020|Singularity Hub
Product placement aside, the idea that animals go to heaven raises a whole host of interesting questions for Thea and Noah.
Sorry, Internet: Pope Francis Didn't Open Paradise to Pets|Candida Moss|December 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Daryl Camarillo, founder of California-based placement agency Stanford Park Nannies, echoed that sentiment.
When Mrs. Doubtfire Won’t Leave|Keli Goff|June 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Re-evaluating the placement of products in exchanges is just one aspect of this holistic approach to strengthening values.
Gagging the Corps: A Marine Commandant’s War on Newsprint|David Abrams|February 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
What was most notable about the show, however, was its placement on the calendar.
Milan Wraps Up Spring 2013 Fashion Week With Armani and Cavalli Showdown|Robin Givhan|September 24, 2012|DAILY BEAST
People like the Glazers are little more than placement agents for lenders.
Manchester United: The Glazer Family’s Bad Play|Michael Moritz|August 6, 2012|DAILY BEAST
There was perhaps one chance in three of making a goal from placement; a drop-kick was out of the question.
Behind the Line|Ralph Henry Barbour
But the tone was always too high in placement for my full appreciation.
Sixty Years of California Song|Margaret Blake-Alverson
While I have had several other teachers in voice, no one ever changed my method of placement.
Sixty Years of California Song|Margaret Blake-Alverson
Would you mark down here the placement of the people in that area at the time you heard somebody yell, "Here he comes."
Warren Commission (12 of 26): Hearings Vol. XII (of 15)|The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
Father Bright returned to the sacristy, opened the missal, and changed the placement of the ribbons.