Example sentences from the Web for Pincus Except that in his meritocracy, Pincus has created a class of stock just for himself.
Zynga's IPO Gives Founder Mark Pincus a Stock Class All His Own | Gary Rivlin| December 14, 2011| DAILY BEAST
Pincus and I had one final lunch shortly before I changed beats and moved across the country in mid-2006.
Zynga's IPO Will Make Mark Pincus Silicon Valley’s Next Billionaire | Gary Rivlin| December 14, 2011| DAILY BEAST
The success of Zynga has already meant that Pincus was granted his few minutes' session across the table from Charlie Rose.
Zynga's IPO Will Make Mark Pincus Silicon Valley’s Next Billionaire | Gary Rivlin| December 14, 2011| DAILY BEAST
Pincus , through a spokesman, declined to comment for this article, citing the SEC-mandated quiet period that precedes an IPO.
Zynga's IPO Gives Founder Mark Pincus a Stock Class All His Own | Gary Rivlin| December 14, 2011| DAILY BEAST
Following the IPO, Pincus will own 12 percent of the company yet control 37 percent of the vote.
Zynga's IPO Gives Founder Mark Pincus a Stock Class All His Own | Gary Rivlin| December 14, 2011| DAILY BEAST
Abe seized the glass of ice-water and flung its contents into Pincus Levin's face.
Abe and Mawruss | Montague Glass
Abe and Morris followed Pincus and the head cutter as they supported the half-conscious Harkavy into the firm's office.
Abe and Mawruss | Montague Glass
Pincus Levin nodded and shuffled off toward the back stairs, while Abe turned and gazed after him.
Abe and Mawruss | Montague Glass
Pincus Lubliner, which honestly, Mr. Polatkin, there's nothing that feller wouldn't do—a regular Rosher if ever there was one.
Elkan Lubliner, American | Montague Glass
Abe looked helplessly at Morris and turned to Pincus Levin, who commenced to tremble violently.
Abe and Mawruss | Montague Glass
noun Gregory Goodwin. 1903–67, US physiologist, whose work on steroid hormones led to the development of the first contraceptive pill
Words nearby Pincus pinch runner, Pinckney, Pinckney's Treaty, pin clover, pin curl, Pincus , pincushion, pincushion cactus, pincushion distortion, pincushion flower, pindan
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Medical definitions for Pincus Gregory Goodwin 1903-1967 American physiologist. Through his studies of natural hormones that inhibit ovulation in mammals, he developed the first effective oral contraceptive, which was first tested in 1954.
The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.