In the promotional video, Balvin says his preference is for “no pickles,” which sort of defeats the purpose of a Big Mac, but hey, if you want to consume the exact same food as J Balvin, you gotta make some sacrifices.
McDonald’s Partners With J Balvin Following the Huge Success of the Travis Scott Meal|Jaya Saxena|October 6, 2020|Eater
It would be a very unpleasant chore, and again, that’s the pickle you’re trying to present.
The most secure ways to lock up your bike|By Michael Frank/Cycle Volta|August 26, 2020|Popular Science
Then, you’ll find yourself in a pickle if more than one blogger accepts it.
Nine mistakes to avoid when contacting websites for backlinks|Raj Dosanjh|July 29, 2020|Search Engine Watch
You spice it with blues and skiffle music, and pickle it in alcohol and tobacco smoke.
The Greatest Rock Voice of All Time Belonged to Joe Cocker|Ted Gioia|December 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Our backyard had a baseball diamond and a “Pickle” path worn into the lawn because of Frankie.
‘Tracing the Blue Light’: Read Chapter 1 of Eileen Cronin’s ‘Mermaid’|Eileen Cronin|April 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
A pinch hitter named Pickle Smith was announced for Jacksonville.
The Great Paul Hemphill Celebrates the Long Gone Birmingham Barons|Paul Hemphill|March 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Chuck Strickler of Decatur, Michigan, found himself in a pickle right after September 11.
New iPhone a Problem for People Who Lack Fingerprints|Winston Ross|September 12, 2013|DAILY BEAST
But soon after I arrived in Washington, D.C., I was in a pickle.
Michelle Rhee: My Break With the Democrats|Michelle Rhee|February 5, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Mix the pickle well together; pour it over the peaches, and tie them down close with either leather or a bladder.
The Lady's Own Cookery Book, and New Dinner-Table Directory;|Charlotte Campbell Bury
Mr. Grewgious looked much disgraced by being prefigured in this pickle.
The Mystery of Edwin Drood|Charles Dickens
But Bob Hart's sketch was not destined to end in a pickle jar.
Strictly Business|O. Henry
They pickle and can the products of the land, and in winter do knitting, netting and sewing of all kinds.
Applied Eugenics|Paul Popenoe and Roswell Hill Johnson
That little coral snake in the pickle bottle was responsible for the death of one Reingelder.
The Librarian at Play|Edmund Lester Pearson
British Dictionary definitions for pickle
/ (ˈpɪkəl) /
(often plural)vegetables, such as cauliflowers, onions, etc, preserved in vinegar, brine, etc
any food preserved in this way
a liquid or marinade, such as spiced vinegar, for preserving vegetables, meat, fish, etc
mainlyUS and Canadiana cucumber that has been preserved and flavoured in a pickling solution, such as brine or vinegar
informalan awkward or difficult situationto be in a pickle
Britishinformala mischievous child
to preserve in a pickling liquid
to immerse (a metallic object) in a liquid, such as an acid, to remove surface scale
Derived forms of pickle
pickler, noun
Word Origin for pickle
C14: perhaps from Middle Dutch pekel; related to German Pökel brine