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Example sentences from the Web for pickings“The pickings were kind of slim for Reagan,” recalls Pitney. Predicting How Romney Might Govern Requires Multiple Scenarios|Eleanor Clift|October 26, 2012|DAILY BEAST The terrain is mucky, and the pickings are slim; patience and boredom are a part of the hunt. How to Catch a Giant Python|Catharine Skipp|February 28, 2010|DAILY BEAST If the grand pooh-bahs of the GOP think they can find someone to push her aside, their pickings seem drearily slim. Why Palin Mania Won't Die|Matt Latimer|October 15, 2009|DAILY BEAST After that, the pickings are slim and involve officials far less famous than the ubiquitous Palin. American History's Biggest Quitters|Benjamin Sarlin|July 6, 2009|DAILY BEAST
This useful little creature is, of course, rewarded with a share of the honey, and has the pickings from the hollow tree besides. Sporting Scenes amongst the Kaffirs of South Africa|Alfred W. Drayson You see how they run after the Countess of Aberdeen, who is encouraging industry (and about whom there are some pickings). Ireland as It Is|Robert John Buckley (AKA R.J.B.) Harvesting begins in September and extends into January, during which time ten pickings are made. All About Coffee|William H. Ukers Then there might be pickings in the way of a Member of Parliament of his calibre. Can You Forgive Her?|Anthony Trollope We Democrats are determined to get on top again and have our chance at the pickings. Ancestors|Gertrude Atherton
pl n(sometimes singular) money, profits, etc, acquired easily or by more or less dishonest means; spoils Words nearby pickingsPickett, Pickford, pick holes in, pickin, picking, pickings, pickle, pickled, pickleworm, picklock, pick-me-up Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to pickingsspoils, booty, dough, pillage, trophy, jackpot, crown, championship, advantage, gold, title, bonus, payoff, citation, purse, windfall, accolade, bounty, dividend, reward |