

单词 photochemical

Example sentences from the Web for photochemical

  • Scheele's work aroused much interest in photochemical effects and many investigations followed.

    Artificial Light|M. Luckiesh
  • The foregoing are only a few of the multitude of photochemical reactions and other effects of radiant energy.

    Artificial Light|M. Luckiesh
  • The product of photochemical decomposition no longer forms azo-colours with amines or phenols.

    Coal|Raphael Meldola
  • We must therefore conclude that the heliotropic curvature of the polyps is determined by a photochemical action of the light.

    The Organism as a Whole|Jacques Loeb


/ (ˌfəʊtəʊˈkɛmɪkəl) /


of or relating to photochemistry; involving the chemical effects of light

Derived forms of photochemical

photochemically, adverb

Words nearby photochemical

photocard, photocatalysis, photocatalyst, photocathode, photocell, photochemical, photochemical smog, photochemistry, photochemotherapy, photochromic, photochromic lens
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