

单词 perón


[ puh-rohn; Spanish pe-rawn ]
/ pəˈroʊn; Spanish pɛˈrɔn /


E·va Duar·te de [ee-vuh -dwahr-tey duh; Spanish e-vah -dwahr-te the], /ˈi və ˈdwɑr teɪ də; Spanish ˈɛ vɑ ˈdwɑr tɛ ðɛ/, 1919–52, Argentine political figure (wife of Juan Perón).
Juan (Do·min·go) [wahn duh-ming-goh; Spanish hwahn daw-meeng-gaw], /wɑn dəˈmɪŋ goʊ; Spanish ʰwɑn dɔˈmiŋ gɔ/, 1895–1974, Argentine military and political leader: president 1946–55, 1973–74.

Words nearby Perón

Pernod, pernor, pero-, perodactyly, peromelia, Perón, peroneal, peroneal artery, peroneal brevis, peroneal longus, peroneal muscle
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

Example sentences from the Web for Perón

British Dictionary definitions for Perón

/ (Spanish peˈrɔn) /


Juan Domingo (xwan doˈmɪnɡo). 1895–1974, Argentine soldier and statesman; dictator (1946–55). He was deposed in 1955, remaining in exile until 1973, when he was elected president (1973–74)
his third wife, María Estella (maˈria esˈteʎa), known as Isabel. born 1931, president of Argentina (1974–76); deposed
(María) Eva (Duarte) de Perón (ˈeβa), known as Evita. Second wife of Juan Domingo Perón. 1919–52, Argentine film actress: active in politics and social welfare (1946–52)

Derived forms of Perón

Peronist, noun, adjective
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012




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