the state or fact of being an individual or having human characteristics and feelings: a harsh prison system that deprives prisoners of their personhood.
Origin of personhood
First recorded in 1955–60; person + -hood
Words nearby personhood
personalty, personal watercraft, persona non grata, personate, person-day, personhood, personification, personify, personned, personnel, personnel agency
Paid sick leave, personhood, you name it, all of them went in the progressive direction, most of them by overwhelmingly margins.
One of the Midterms’ Little-Noticed Big Losers: The NRA|Cliff Schecter|November 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
By a margin of 63 percent to 37 percent, Colorado voters rejected the “personhood” measure.
How’d the GOP Win? By Running Left|Sally Kohn|November 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In Colorado, voters will decide whether to support a controversial “personhood” amendment to the state constitution.
America’s Most Important (and Wackiest) Referendums This November|Ben Jacobs|October 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He believes brain chemistry undermines his sense of free will and personhood and that psychology explains away love and altruism.
Frank Schaeffer, the Atheist Who Believes in God|Nick Tabor|August 3, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Charles Siebert, The New York Times Magazine Steven Wise is arguing for the legal “personhood” of chimps and other animals.
The Daily Beast’s Best Longreads, April 26, 2014||April 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Authentic presence may be understood simply as one's intentionally being there with another in the fullness of one's personhood.
Nursing as Caring|Anne Boykin
Nursing has long been associated with the idea of mothering, when mothering is understood as nurturing the personhood of another.
Nursing as Caring|Anne Boykin
This process requires that students be encouraged to live fully their personhood.
Nursing as Caring|Anne Boykin
The caring between the nurse and the ones nursed enhanced the personhood of all three, as each grew in caring ways.
Nursing as Caring|Anne Boykin
In Chapter 1, personhood was described as a process of living grounded in caring.
Nursing as Caring|Anne Boykin
British Dictionary definitions for personhood
/ (ˈp£ːsənˌhʊd) /
mainlyUSthe condition of being a person who is an individual with inalienable rights, esp under the 14th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States