[ pur-suh -veer ] SHOW IPA
/ ˌpɜr səˈvɪər / PHONETIC RESPELLING
verb (used without object), per·se·vered, per·se·ver·ing. to persist in anything undertaken; maintain a purpose in spite of difficulty, obstacles, or discouragement; continue steadfastly.
to persist in speech, interrogation, argument, etc.; insist.
verb (used with object), per·se·vered, per·se·ver·ing. to bolster, sustain, or uphold: unflagging faith that had persevered him.
Origin of persevere 1325–75; Middle English perseveren <Middle French perseverer <Latin persevērāre to persist, derivative of persevērus very strict. See per-, severe
synonym study for persevere 1 . See continue.
Words nearby persevere Perseus, Perseus cluster, perseverance, perseverate, perseveration, persevere , persevering, Pershing, Pershing II, Pershing, John, Persia
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for persevere There have been many struggles, trials, battles, and losses through which my name has helped me persevere .
Uzo Aduba: My Road to ‘Orange Is the New Black’ | Uzoamaka Aduba| August 4, 2014| DAILY BEAST
She writes of the struggles, battles, and losses through which her name has helped her persevere —to the role that made her famous.
Uzo Aduba: My Road to ‘Orange Is the New Black’ | Uzoamaka Aduba| August 4, 2014| DAILY BEAST
I wrote about the motivations of businessmen, and their determination to persevere .
Not the Story You Were Expecting from Lebanon | Cathy Huyghe| October 9, 2013| DAILY BEAST
“The secret of her success and survival is her enormous ability to persevere ,” Grubman says.
How Martha Stewart Got Her Groove Back | Lloyd Grove| March 8, 2013| DAILY BEAST
As the genre continues to fall apart, can it persevere to be the last soap standing?
‘General Hospital’ Fights Back! | Maria Elena Fernandez| February 22, 2012| DAILY BEAST
Tidings of the repulse were brought to Pitt; he sent reinforcements and ordered the commander to persevere .
The Political History of England - Vol. X. | William Hunt
Persevere , even though you find scarce evidence enough to give a faint glimmering of hope.
A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females | Harvey Newcomb
I had already engaged myself in the hard, but glorious service of the pen; and I was determined to persevere .
But now that he had been made to speak, it seemed that he was determined to persevere .
The Belton Estate | Anthony Trollope
Some noble-minded women cheer her on, and she feels encouraged to persevere , the brethren notwithstanding.
The Grimk Sisters | Catherine H. Birney
British Dictionary definitions for persevere verb (intr often foll by in ) to show perseverance
Derived forms of persevere persevering , adjective perseveringly , adverb Word Origin for persevere C14: from Old French perseverer, from Latin persevērāre, from perseverus very strict; see severe
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to persevere proceed, pursue, endure, persist, hold on, press on, remain, continue, maintain, carry on, go on, hang tough, go for it, go for broke, hang in, keep on, leave no stone unturned, plug away, stay the course