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[ per-plek-si-tee ] / pərˈplɛk sɪ ti / SEE SYNONYMS FOR perplexity ON THESAURUS.COM
noun, plural per·plex·i·ties.the state of being perplexed; confusion; uncertainty. something thatperplexes: a case plagued with perplexities. a tangled, involved, or confused condition or situation. Origin of perplexity1350–1400; Middle English perplexite<Old French <Late Latin perplexitās, equivalent to Latin perplex(us) (see perplexed) + -itās-ity Words nearby perplexityperpetuity, perphenazine, Perpignan, perplex, perplexed, perplexity, per pro., per procurationem, perp walk, perquisite, Perrault Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for perplexityThe Company is in complete shock and perplexity to the news. China’s top chipmaker could be Trump’s next target in the trade war|eamonbarrett|September 9, 2020|Fortune It is the perplexity of this situation that has caused most of the paralysis in Congress. Democracy Demands a Journalist-Source Shield Law|Geoffrey R. Stone|April 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST I am not sure how helpful that is, except that the communing certainly keeps us from feeling totally isolated in our perplexity. Susan Minot on Africa, Joseph Kony, and the Limits of Writing About Love|Lea Carpenter|February 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST Greeted with derision in some corners and perplexity in others, the movement's new magazine launches at CPAC today. Steven Allen: The Tea Party’s Editor in Chief|David A. Graham|February 10, 2011|DAILY BEAST
This change in plan was a source of perplexity bordering on irritation to the Queen. Why William and Kate Held Off Again|Tina Brown|June 8, 2010|DAILY BEAST "I comprehend you," said she, with an air of some perplexity. Arthur Mervyn|Charles Brockden Brown He paused a moment scratching his head in perplexity, and then blurted forth without reserve. Paradise Garden|George Gibbs In her perplexity she went over the whole thing time and again. A Book of Bryn Mawr Stories|Marian T. MacIntosh She could no longer control the manifestations of her impatience and her perplexity. Christmas Roses and Other Stories|Anne Douglas Sedgwick She looked into her lover's face and saw in it a look of commiseration and perplexity. War and Peace|Leo Tolstoy
British Dictionary definitions for perplexity
noun plural -tiesthe state of being perplexed the state of being intricate or complicated something that perplexes Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to perplexitypuzzlement, bewilderment, riddle, conundrum, puzzle, mystification, stickler, question, cliffhanger, charade, subtlety, occult, cryptogram, crux, puzzler, enigma, secrecy, poser, why, twister |