Elvia Sandoval, Anderson’s daughter, blames Elmcroft for his death.
COVID-19 Exposes Lack of Medical Staff in Assisted Living Facilities|Jared Whitlock|September 28, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Barnett touted Anderson’s record working with Fletcher, when they were in the Legislature together.
Politics Report: East County GOP Rivals Court the Libs|Scott Lewis|June 27, 2020|Voice of San Diego
This week, the East County Chamber of Commerce endorsed Anderson too.
Politics Report: East County GOP Rivals Court the Libs|Scott Lewis|June 27, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Anderson has been raising and hoarding money since 2015 for the race, and he spent hardly any of it in the primary.
Politics Report: East County GOP Rivals Court the Libs|Scott Lewis|June 27, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Then, last year, she received a call from Anderson: “Hey, do you remember when we met over ten years ago?”
Jena Malone’s Long, Strange Trip From Homelessness to Hollywood Stardom|Marlow Stern|December 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Malone first met Anderson by chance over a decade ago following the release of the cult hit Donnie Darko.
Jena Malone’s Long, Strange Trip From Homelessness to Hollywood Stardom|Marlow Stern|December 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Mr Anderson Wheeler travelled from Tanzania where he works as a big game hunter to give evidence yesterday.
How A British Aristocrat Used Big Game Hunter’s Sperm To Get Pregnant Without His Permission|Tom Sykes|December 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The Daily Mail reports that Mr Anderson Wheeler, 34, said: “I found it very harassing and unnerving.”
How A British Aristocrat Used Big Game Hunter’s Sperm To Get Pregnant Without His Permission|Tom Sykes|December 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“I just pray that everyone just keep their children safe,” Anderson said.
11 Children Shot in Milwaukee, One in Her Grandpa's Lap|Michael Daly|November 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
"Refers to the kind of work he does," responded Mrs. Anderson, sharply.
A Star for a Night|Elsie Janis
In a moment Mr. Anderson and Pud heard them splash as they plunged into the lake.
Bob Hunt in Canada|George W. Orton
The news from Major Anderson reached here early on Thursday, and was immediately communicated to you.
The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government, Vol. 1 (of 2)|Jefferson Davis
Of course, I was obliged to leave hurriedly, but Anderson must have seen me running.
The Loyalist|James Francis Barrett
Major Anderson was an expert reader of these photographs, and he taught me all I know about the subject.
Q.6.a and Other places|Francis Buckley
British Dictionary definitions for Anderson (1 of 2)
/ (ˈændəsən) /
a river in N Canada, in the Northwest Territories, rising in lakes north of Great Bear Lake and flowing west and north to the Beaufort Sea. Length: about 580 km (360 miles)
British Dictionary definitions for Anderson (2 of 2)
/ (ˈændəsən) /
Carl David. 1905–91, US physicist, who discovered the positron in cosmic rays (1932): Nobel prize for physics 1936
Elizabeth Garrett. 1836–1917, English physician and feminist: a campaigner for the admission of women to the professions
John. 1893–1962, Australian philosopher, born in Scotland, whose theories are expounded in Studies in Empirical Philosophy (1962)
Dame Judith, real name Frances Margaret Anderson. 1898–1992, Australian stage and film actress
Lindsay (Gordon) 1923–94, British film and theatre director: his films include This Sporting Life (1963), If (1968), O Lucky Man! (1973), and The Whales of August (1987)
Marian. 1902–93, US contralto, the first Black permanent member of the Metropolitan Opera Company, New York
Philip Warren. born 1923, US physicist, noted for his work on solid-state physics. Nobel prize for physics 1977
Sherwood. 1874–1941, US novelist and short-story writer, best known for Winesburg Ohio (1919), a collection of short stories illustrating small-town life