Verb Phrasespast and past participlepepped up,present participlepep·ping up.
pep up,to make or become spirited, vigorous, or lively; animate: We need something to pep up this party.
Origin of pep
First recorded in 1840–50; short for pepper
Words nearby pep
People's party, People's Republic of China, People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, Peoria, peotillomania, pep, Pepcid, peperomia, Pepin, pepino, Pepin the Short
Thankfully, Aquaman is there to save the situation and give her a pep talk, while she clutches a teddy bear.
Wonder Woman Takes a Big Step Back|Hugh Ryan|December 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He knew I was in a deep depression, dark moods, and he would spend time with me, trying to give me pep talks.
The Flying New York Fireman Who Shined on 9/11|Michael Daly|September 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Crazy Eyes sits down with her and gives her a pep talk and a hug.
‘Orange Is the New Black’ Season 2: The Finest, Funniest, and Most Terrifying Moments of Eps. 1-6|Kevin Fallon, Marlow Stern|June 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The sun beat down as the procession halted behind the parking lot for Pep Boys, a repair garage.
Mardi Gras Indian Chief Larry Bannock’s Final Ride|Jason Berry|May 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The pint-size prez gave the pep talk of the year, encouraging people everywhere to take risks and make the world a better place.
Rob Ford, Kid President, What the Fox Say?, and More Viral Videos|The Daily Beast Video|December 29, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Pep darted down the stairs, his eyes glancing in every direction.
The Motion Picture Chums at Seaside Park|Victor Appleton
And while she was at our house she seemed full of life and pep.
Torchy and Vee|Sewell Ford
I have placed copies of "Pep" in their hands and watched courage, faith, cheer and sereneness come to them.
Evening Round Up|William Crosbie Hunter
Pep here was right about Carrington being bound on the same mission to the city as myself.
The Motion Picture Chums at Seaside Park|Victor Appleton
This Pep of yours was passing my place when I heard a woman shriek a bit ahead.
The Motion Picture Chums at Seaside Park|Victor Appleton
British Dictionary definitions for pep (1 of 2)
/ (pɛp) /
high spirits, energy, or vitality
verbpeps, peppingorpepped
(tr usually foll by up) to liven by imbuing with new vigour
Word Origin for pep
C20: short for pepper
British Dictionary definitions for pep (2 of 2)
/ (pɛp) /
n acronym for
personal equity plan: a method of saving in the U.K. with certain tax advantages, in which investments up to a fixed annual value can be purchased: replaced by the ISA in 1999 but arrangements for existing PEPs remain unchanged