When little Shona Ritchie plucked up the courage to ask for a peck from Prince William, the future king was happy to oblige.
A Kiss From a Prince? Maybe Not....|Tom Sykes|April 5, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Peck keeps his dignity even as he remembers friends and family back home, now dead.
Shawn Ryan’s Favorite War Movies|Shawn Ryan|September 26, 2012|DAILY BEAST
He weighs out de meat, three pound for de week, and he measure a peck of meal.
Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves|Work Projects Administration
This Mr. Peck was a man of note, as one of the early settlers of Illinois, and one of its first missionaries.
The Autobiography of Parley Parker Pratt|Parley Parker Pratt
Having seen no Indian meal for sometime, I bought half a peck, paying at the rate of two dollars per bushel.
My First Campaign|J. W. Grant
"Be quiet, Peck, you are safe," answered the young captain soothingly.
Boys of The Fort|Ralph Bonehill
They peck the Apples, to eat the Kernels, so that the Fruit rots and perishes.
A New Voyage to Carolina|John Lawson
British Dictionary definitions for peck (1 of 3)
/ (pɛk) /
a unit of dry measure equal to 8 quarts or one quarter of a bushel
a container used for measuring this quantity
a large quantity or number
Word Origin for peck
C13: from Anglo-Norman, of uncertain origin
British Dictionary definitions for peck (2 of 3)
/ (pɛk) /
(when intr, sometimes foll by at) to strike with the beak or with a pointed instrument
(tr sometimes foll by out) to dig (a hole) by pecking
(tr)(of birds) to pick up (corn, worms, etc) by pecking
(intr often foll by at) to nibble or pick (at one's food)
informalto kiss (a person) quickly and lightly
(intr foll by at) to nag
a quick light blow, esp from a bird's beak
a mark made by such a blow
informala quick light kiss
Word Origin for peck
C14: of uncertain origin; compare pick1, Middle Low German pekken to jab with the beak
British Dictionary definitions for peck (3 of 3)
/ (pɛk) /
Gregory. 1916–2003, US film actor; his films include Keys of the Kingdom (1944), The Gunfighter (1950), The Big Country (1958), To Kill a Mockingbird (1963), The Omen (1976), and Other People's Money (1991)