a small, rounded stone, especially one worn smooth by the action of water.
Also called pebble leather . leather that has been given a granulated surface.
any granulated or crinkled surface, especially of a textile.
a transparent colorless rock crystal used for the lenses of eyeglasses.
a lens made from this crystal.
verb (used with object),peb·bled,peb·bling.
to prepare (leather) so as to have a granulated surface.
to pelt with or as with pebbles.
Origin of pebble
First recorded in 1250–1300; Middle English pibbil, puble, pobble; compare Old English pæbbel (in placenames), papel-, popel- (in compounds); phonological relations unclear
boulder, cobblestone, granule, pebble , rock, stone
Still, the worry remains that the boulders might pose a safety hazard for the sampling system, which was designed to handle pebbles only a few centimeters across.
The asteroid Bennu’s brittle boulders may make grabbing a sample easier|Lisa Grossman|October 8, 2020|Science News
Organic material is fragile, and scientists have previously caught the asteroid popping pebbles off into space, revealing its underlying material to the universe.
Local asteroid Bennu used to be filled with tiny rivers|Charlie Wood|October 8, 2020|Popular Science
Pluck a pebble from a mountain and pretend the mountain is gone.
The Crazy Way Creationists Try To Explain Human Tails Without Evolution|Karl W. Giberson|June 1, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The maze ends in an expansive Zen garden, complete with a pebble pool-pit and a vast mirror along one wall.
The Royal Academy Wants You to Finish This Artwork|Chloë Ashby|January 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Other key presenters included executives from Google, Microsoft, and start-ups like Pebble.
A rock fragment larger than a granule and smaller than a cobble. Pebbles have a diameter between 4 and 64 mm (0.16 and 2.56 inches) and are often rounded.