verb (used without object),par·took[pahr-took], /pɑrˈtʊk/, par·tak·en,par·tak·ing.
to take or have a part or share along with others; participate (usually followed by in): He won't partake in the victory celebration.
to receive, take, or have a share or portion (usually followed by of): to partake of a meal.
to have something of the nature or character (usually followed by of): feelings partaking of both joy and regret.
verb (used with object),par·took[pahr-took], /pɑrˈtʊk/, par·tak·en,par·tak·ing.
to take or have a part in; share.
Origin of partake
First recorded in 1555–65; back formation from partaking, Middle English part taking, translation of Latin participātiō “taking part”; see participation
synonym study for partake
1. See share1.
par·tak·a·ble,adjectivepar·tak·er,nounpre·par·take,verb (used without object),pre·par·took,pre·par·tak·en,pre·par·tak·ing.un·par·tak·en,adjective
Words nearby partake
pars tympanica, Parsva, part, part. adj., part. aeq., partake, partan, part and parcel, part company, parted, parted per tierce
Virtual high school as a product isn’t built for adoption en masse, but instead works best for students who can afford to partake in self-directed and independent learning.
With $2.7M in fresh funding, Sora hopes to bring virtual high school to the mainstream|Natasha Mascarenhas|October 2, 2020|TechCrunch
When she placed her first cowrie piece on her head, she did so knowing she had left Côte d’Ivoire for the first time to partake in Ghana’s Chale Wote Street Art Festival, a festival of great social significance.
Lafalaise Dion Takes ESSENCE On A Personal Journey|Nandi Howard|September 4, 2020|
This world is a horrid cancer that no decent soul should ever partake from.
Is This The Most Hated Man in Books?: Twitter vs. Edward Champion|Brandy Zadrozny|September 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I'm pro the freedom to smoke and the freedom to grow and pass and partake.
Weed Gave My Family Everything—Then Took It Away|Abby Haglage|April 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The Liebeck jury intuited that the only way to punish this logic of bigness was to partake of it.
Supersize Me, Your Honor: Liebeck v. McDonald’s and Our Era of Ambition|James Poulos|October 21, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The point of fasting is not to die, just to suffer a little and those who cannot partake donate to feed the truly hungry.
First Friday of Ramadan For Palestinians|Maysoon Zayid|July 12, 2013|DAILY BEAST
That all young citizens of Israel will partake both in Torah study and in military and civilian service.
Who’s Afraid Of Ruth Calderon?|Sigal Samuel|February 14, 2013|DAILY BEAST
His followers begged the monarch to partake of the good things in the garden.
Chatterbox, 1906|Various
He was invited to partake of a feast, which Pauppukkeewiss ordered to be prepared for him.
The Myth of Hiawatha, and Other Oral Legends, Mythologic and Allegoric, of the North American Indians|Henry R. Schoolcraft
I do not see how any man can afford, for the sake of his nerves and his nap, to spare any action in which he can partake.
Leaves of Life|Margaret Bird Steinmetz
Of the offerings on war occasions women and children were forbidden to partake, as it was not their province to go to battle.
Samoa, A Hundred Years Ago And Long Before|George Turner
Men cannot thus collectively enjoy rare wines or good confectionery; they cannot partake without limit of a limited supply.
The Principles of Economics|Frank A. Fetter
British Dictionary definitions for partake
/ (pɑːˈteɪk) /
verb-takes, -taking, -tookor-taken(mainly intr)
(foll by in)to have a share; participateto partake in the excitement
(foll by of)to take or receive a portion, esp of food or drinkeach partook of the food offered to him
(foll by of)to suggest or have some of the quality (of)music partaking of sadness
(tr)archaicto share in
Derived forms of partake
partaker, noun
Word Origin for partake
C16: back formation from partaker, earlier part taker, based on Latin particeps participant; see part, take
usage for partake
Partake of is sometimes wrongly used as if it were a synonym of eat or drink. Correctly, one can only partake of food or drink which is available for several people to share
feed, sip, consume, engage, receive, ingest, sample, savor, devour, take, participate, divide, enter into, be in on, be into, sit in, sit in on, take part, tune in