

单词 because


[ bih-kawz, -koz, -kuhz ]
/ bɪˈkɔz, -ˈkɒz, -ˈkʌz /


for the reason that; due to the fact that: The boy was absent because he was ill.


Informal. (used directly before a noun, adjective, verb, interjection, etc., to convey a very concise rationale, excuse, or explanation): We’re a little like monkeys because evolution.He doesn’t practice enough: because lazy.I love doughnuts because yum!

Idioms for because

    because of, by reason of; due to: Schools were closed because of heavy snowfall.

Origin of because

1275–1325; Middle English bi cause. See by1, cause

synonym study for because

1. Because, as, since, for, inasmuch as agree in implying a reason for an occurrence or action. Because introduces a direct reason: I was sleeping because I was tired. As and since are so casual as to imply merely circumstances attendant on the main statement: As (or since ) I was tired, I was sleeping. The reason, proof, or justification introduced by for is like an afterthought or a parenthetical statement: I was sleeping, for I was tired. The more formal inasmuch as implies concession; the main statement is true in view of the circumstances introduced by this conjunction: Inasmuch as I was tired, it seemed best to sleep.

usage note for because

1. See reason.

Words nearby because

becalm, becalmed, became, becard, caught with one's pants down, be, because, beccafico, Beccaria, béchamel, béchamel sauce, bechance
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

British Dictionary definitions for because

/ (bɪˈkɒz, -ˈkəz) /


(subordinating) on account of the fact that; on account of being; sincebecause it's so cold we'll go home
because of (preposition) on account ofI lost my job because of her

Word Origin for because

C14 bi cause, from bi by + cause

undefined because

See reason
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012




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