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[ par-uh-di-sahy-uh-kuhl, -zahy- ] / ˌpær ə dɪˈsaɪ ə kəl, -ˈzaɪ- / SEE SYNONYMS FOR paradisiacal ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectiveof, like, or befitting paradise. Also par·a·dis·i·ac [par-uh-dis-ee-ak], /ˌpær əˈdɪs iˌæk/, paradisaical. Origin of paradisiacal1640–50; <Late Latin paradīsiac(us) <Greek paradeisiakós (see paradise, -ac) + -al1 OTHER WORDS FROM paradisiacalpar·a·di·si·a·cal·ly, adverbWords nearby paradisiacalparadise fish, paradise flower, Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, Paradise Valley, paradisiacal, Paradiso, paradoctor, parador, parados, paradox Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for paradisiacalBut to be well and truly put in your place, jump into that paradisiacal blue for a close encounter with a gentle giant. It’s a Big, Big World: Sights That Make You Feel Small|Lonely Planet|December 24, 2013|DAILY BEAST Our yellow banana, otherwise known as the “dessert banana,” is actually a hybrid scientifically named Musa × paradisiacal. The Secrets of Hybrid Fruit|Stacey Slate|January 22, 2010|DAILY BEAST The idea of the Paradisiacal happiness of the earliest human beings constitutes one of the most universal of traditions. The Contemporary Review, Volume 36, September 1879|Various This last purchase raised Susan into a paradisiacal condition, for which it is to be hoped nobody will despise her. The House on the Moor, v. 1/3|Mrs. Oliphant
Whatever the causes were, the earth has returned to paradisiacal conditions. The Story of Evolution|Joseph McCabe In what paradisiacal pastures must he have moved and breathed and earned his livelihood! Punch or the London Charivari, Vol. 108, March 23, 1895|Various We would gladly linger over these records of a paradisiacal home where Adam and Eve renewed their innocent loves and happy labors. Louisa May Alcott|Louisa May Alcott
Words related to paradisiacaladorable, alluring, ambrosial, angelic, beatific, beautiful, blessed, blissful, celestial, cherubic, darling, delectable, delicious, delightful, divine, empyrean, enjoyable, entrancing, excellent, exquisite |