Parables of complex societal problems being solved in a simple way by a pure-minded child are ubiquitous in North Korean culture.
Such a Sweet Little Dictator: Kim Jong-un and North Korea’s Child Cult|Scott Bixby|April 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
From here on, he was a philosopher, a sage, and his interviews were stuffed full of dicta, parables and eternal paradoxes.
What It Was Like to Watch the Beatles Become the Beatles—Nik Cohn Remembers|Nik Cohn|February 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The imaginative Raami turns within, summoning the parables, poems, dignity, humility, and wisdom of her father.
This Week’s Hot Reads: July 23, 2012, All-Fiction Edition|Mythili Rao|July 23, 2012|DAILY BEAST
The stories, most of them very short, have the blunt, evocative effect of parables or campfire tales.
3 Great Reads for Thanksgiving|Taylor Antrim|November 25, 2009|DAILY BEAST
No one does, but least of all men Plato, who hardly taught except in parables.
Philosophy and The Social Problem|Will Durant
He has been speaking to them in symbols, proverbs, parables.
The Gospel of St. John|Frederick Denison Maurice
Our lesson was as usual from "the Parables," and the scholars wrote an abstract from the "Pearl of great price."
Leaves for a Christmas Bough|Unknown
Proverbs and parables are closely related, and in the Bible the terms are sometimes used interchangeably.
Jesus the Christ|James Edward Talmage
His parables are at once the surest defence, and the most probable originators, of her symbolism.
Churches and Church Ornaments|William Durandus
Words related to parables
tale, fable, teaching, lesson, legend, allegory
In the New Testament, the stories told by Jesus to convey his religious message; they include the parable of the Good Samaritan and that of the Prodigal Son.