For the sophisticated childIf you want to pamper your kid, the Puro Sound Labs BT2200, which costs $90, has a sleek design that’s more staid than most children’s apparel and gadgets.
These noise-cancelling headphones may be indispensable for families stuck at home together|jonathanvanian2015|October 3, 2020|Fortune
Some fans showed themselves being pampered by family members, while others included punchlines like a mother struggling to enjoy her “spa” while having to also bathe her kids.
Deep Dive: How the Summer of 2020 forced brand marketing to change for the better|jim cooper|September 14, 2020|Digiday
Will it be some men who wait at home to pamper a wife back from a long day in the salt mines?
‘The Richer Sex’: How Women Became the New Breadwinners|Matthew DeLuca|March 20, 2012|DAILY BEAST
A subsistence that, if it does not pamper vice, at least places you beyond the necessity of crime, is at your option.
What Will He Do With It, Complete|Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Thy pride to pamper, thy fair face to show; Dwells there no blemish where such glories shine?
The Columbiad|Joel Barlow
Pamper not thy Body with delicacies and dainties; it may come to pass one day that this Body may be in Hell.
The Works of Sir Thomas Browne|Thomas Browne
To cast in my lot with Jekyll was to die to those appetites which I had long secretly indulged, and had of late begun to pamper.
The Pocket R.L.S.|Robert Louis Stevenson
I am afraid he is running into debt just to pamper your whims.
Little Nobody|Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller
British Dictionary definitions for pamper
/ (ˈpæmpə) /
to treat with affectionate and usually excessive indulgence; coddle; spoil
archaicto feed to excess
Derived forms of pamper
pamperer, noun
Word Origin for pamper
C14: of Germanic origin; compare German dialect pampfen to gorge oneself