The industry was complicated and highly regulated, both anathema to private equity.
Investors Extracted $400 Million From a Hospital Chain That Sometimes Couldn’t Pay for Medical Supplies or Gas for Ambulances|by Peter Elkind with Doris Burke|September 30, 2020|ProPublica
After a few experiments I learned that I could skip those movies, and Tyler Perry was anathema in my book.
Prisoners Get Cultural Fix with 8-Tracks and Bootleg Cassettes|Daniel Genis|August 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
American politics with its razzmatazz and movie stars were an anathema.
The Ugly Truth About Ugly Politicians|Tim Teeman|July 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In his opinion, the “path to citizenship” for immigrants, which is anathema to many conservatives, is absolutely essential.
Cardinal O'Malley: Pope Francis Knows Immigrants Are the Future of the Church|Christopher Dickey|June 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The occasional yellow or red was acceptable, but the suggestion of a blue dress was met with distress, and brown was anathema.
Why I Finally Let My Girls Be Girly|Andy Hinds|May 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Government regulations were not anathema to the market but requisite.
Obamacare Is as American as the Founding Fathers|Sally Kohn|April 1, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Lilies of the valley are lovely in proper surroundings, but on a dinner-table they are anathema.
The Cook's Decameron: A Study in Taste:|Mrs. W. G. Waters
It was anathema, he knew, but he could not refuse to accept it.
Carmen Ariza|Charles Francis Stocking
They listened with the calm of people for whom anathema, reprobation, malediction, and execration were their daily bread.
The Miracle Of The Great St. Nicolas|Anatole France
Believe or die is the anathema which vehement spirits pronounce, and this in the name of Liberty.
The Origins of Contemporary France, Volume 2 (of 6)|Hippolyte A. Taine
Since Cobbett uttered his anathema against the root, it never was in such bad odour.